My trip to Sydney the other weekend went well.
I like Sydney. (There, I said it.)

I travelled by bus because it was $70 cheaper than flying. This was a mistake

I arrived about 8am on Sunday morning, and wandered around looking dazedly at the pigeons in that park across from the bus depot whose name I can never remember. Someone somehow scabbed a lit cigarette out of my hand whilst I was talking on the phone

Then got a bus to Newtown, where I was staying with baby sis (the trains were broken)

She met me at this cafe across from the station. Several witnesses will confirm my version of events

She is living in a pretty yellow house

We hung out for a bit. I had a nap. Then we went down to her local, which is called ‘Zanzibar’. She seems to like it there. She had a voucher for free tapas, pictured

Then I went out to to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant in Surrey Hills, because it was someone’s birthday

After dinner we went back to my friend whose birthday it was’s house and she showed us some of her birthday presents

Upon returning to the yellow house, sis’s housemates informed me that she was still at Zanzibar so I went up & joined her there

We met an incredibly fucked up chick – we’ll her ‘Rhiannon’ – who, in between frequent trips to what she referred to as the ‘refreshment lounge’, insisted in very forceful terms that I take a picture of her breasts and post it to my blog

After closing sis & I went back to the yellow house and watched Kill Bill vol. 2 on her baby iBook, sat out on her balcony. It was nice
A forecast trip to the beach in the morning was cancelled due to inclement weather so we just slept and hung around the house.
When it stopped raining in the afternoon we went out for coffee & food on King Street. Then I met my friend of the birthday at a Vietnamese restaurant down the road. She was a bit sad and I did not take a picture.

Once she’d finished her soup we caught a bus to the Hollywood Hotel where further gatherage had been arranged

Even the beautiful old-world porcelain fittings there could not stave off the dreaded urinal performance anxiety

Baby sis (left) eventually joined us, partly I think because I told her there would be karaoke. We didn’t end up doing karaoke. I was kind of disappointed

The gathering dispersed and sis & I returned compasslike to Zanzibar, where I threw up. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture until after flushing the lounge chair

Bus back to Melbourne. Slept, read, listened to music, and talked for way too long on the phone
That is all.