Category Archives: Video
Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In IV
Monday, 26th November.
Best. (Previously, previouser, previest.)
FB photo album. Compilation of my videos (and one of Moo’s):
Filed under Best, Desperation, Enemies Of The State, Occupy, Perseverence, Victory, Video, WACA, Whack, YouTube
Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In III
Friday, 26th October.
It’s always about upping the ante – but due to unforseen circumstances, this one wound up being an unexpectedly massive clusterfuck.
WACA press release. Herald Sun coverage.
Bedlam’s vid of the main action:
Compilation of videos I shot in the Consulate lobby (my phone ran out of space just before we got dragged out):
FB post alluding to what happened after that:
And to close with some comic relief, here’s a video of Brother Lutz getting threatened with arrest out the front of the building for being an enemy of the state dropping a cigarette butt:
#globalNOISE Melbourne
FB photo album / photo archive.
Video I made (with editing and captions and everything!):
Another good #gN Melbourne video.
Filed under :), Art, Awesomeness, KLANGKLANGKLANGKLANG, Occupy, Perseverence, Photos, Video, YouTube
Occupy McFarland St Treehouse (Part IV)
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Delirium, Dreams, Drunkenness, Friends Of The Zoo, People, Photos, Video, YouTube
Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In (Redux)
Enemies of the state, apparently.
My video tweets. FB photo album.
Sean’s video:
Lutz’s video (feat. special guest star Noam Chomsky):
Kenji’s video (the attention of concerned friends and/or state-violence-porn afficianados is particularly directed to about the nine minute mark):
Free Pussy Riot
Filed under Art, Boogie Fever, CEN***SHIP IS F**KED, Music, Occupy, Photos, Video, YouTube
Nothing Compares 2 U (TAKE 2) & Where Is The Love, Live From Chez Hagakure
Saturday, 8th September.
Co-starring the amazing BenSara.
UPDATE (11th Sept 2015): I found some audio from this evening of what might be referred to as “the lizard/saki incident”, starring Kade & Sara:
Filed under :), Art, Asking The Important Questions, Domestica, Drunkenness, Friends Of The Zoo, Heh, Music, People, The Mishukis, Video, YouTube
Bradley Manning Actions At The US Consulate
Thursday 5th & Friday 6th September.
There’s nothing like being literally dragged out of a building by cops in the name of justice to take your mind off things.
Brief videos I shot of Thursday’s occupation out the front:
And of Sam and Sara getting dragged out on Friday (when nine of us actually got inside, thanks to the genius strategy of not discussing plans in advance on F#$book):
Bedlam’s take on the whole thing:
UPDATE – And Kenji’s:
Obligatory Spring-Has-Sprung Post
Here is a video of Ben & Sara dancing in the dining room at Chez Hag yesterday afternoon:
The first two weeks of Project Regenerate And Get Shit Sorted have been unfortunately somewhat beset by problems and/or setbacks.
But! we seem to be finally getting into the swing of it now.
Look, I’ve even started killing the epic blog-backlog!
Life is getting springyish.
Kenji’s Fantastical Quarter Century Celebration Of Insanity
Friday, 24th August.
Filed under :), Benevolence, Drunkenness, I See You're Wearing A Suit, People, Photos, Video, w0ot, YouTube
Piegeddon At Bousy’s Haus
Overnight Occupy Tuesday #14 (OO Tuesday RIP)
Filed under :), Benevolence, Chalk, Day 300, Exhaustion, Music, Occupy, OO Tuesday, People, Perseverence, Photos, Schmobos, The End Is Nigh, Video, YouTube