Apart from notes, no media exists from the first week of November except – randomly enough – this photo of a balloon inscribed by Yohan at Varun’s birthday dinner thing at Yong Green Food on Brunswick St on Wednesday the 7th:
Category Archives: killing the backlog
For the first time in its seven-year history, Teh Fields has fallen seriously dormant.
At time of writing, I haven’t posted here in nearly six months.
This certainly hasn’t occurred due to an absence of stuff to blog about. Indeed the exact opposite.
I feel very torn about whether TF still has legs these days. But it’s been so important to me in the past – and for such a long time – that it’s extremely hard to just give up and declare it dead. And pretty much impossible to abandon it to a slow lingering death of neglect, rather than putting some kind of at least semi-decisive fullstop on it.
Anyway. How am I? Okay. Feeling slightly weary and wartorn between one thing and another, and very ready for winter to be over. But it nearly is. \o/!
I’m okay.
I plan to spend the time between now and my birthday on September 14th hibernating regeneratively and getting my house in order – which includes undertaking the epic, long-procrastinated and hopefully cathartic task of updating TF retrospectively with documentation of some of my zany 2012 adventures.
Depending on the extent to which this latter task seems rewarding and worthwhile or more like taking a reluctant zombie for a walk, we’ll see what happens.
Filed under Here Is The News, History, killing the backlog, Life, Not Dead, Perseverence, Weblogs
Amanda Palmer At The Northcote Social
Monday, 12th March.
Co-starring the artist formerly known as Desci.
Blogpost by Palmer re this gig.
Two videos I shot fannishly of Palmer & the GTO climactically covering Bela Lugosi’s Dead with David J of Bauhaus guesting on bass.
Filed under Art, Awesomeness, Drunkenness, History, killing the backlog, Mentalism, Music, Night Time, People, Photos, Video, Weblogs
Amanda Palmer Performing In The Tree At City Square For Occ Melb
Filed under :), Art, Awesome Trees, Awesomeness, Friends Of The Zoo, killing the backlog, Music, Occupy, People, Video, YouTube
Eviction Of Occupy Melbourne From City Square
Friday, 21st October.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Random video I shot from across the road:
Fairly eye-popping report from that well-known “bastion of socialist activism” (lol, Geoff Lemon) The Herald Scum:
Video coverage by Anthony Snowden:
In summation: Robert Doyle is a fucking cunt.
Also: this.
SRC Xmas Party
17th December.
Vale SRC. I’m gonna miss you hugely in some ways; in other ways not so much. I’ll certainly miss your Xmas parties. Or maybe I’ll just crash them.
The following was captured at Harrie & Atkins’ house, at some point quite far into the 17-odd hours’ worth of extended shenanigans.
Messy night; messy audio. But I like it.
Day After G’s Birthday
Filed under :), Benevolence, Dreams, killing the backlog, Life Is Good, People, Photos, Sketchiness
Ange’s Bad ’80s Beach Party
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Bitches, Drunkenness, killing the backlog, Music, People, Photos, Signs Of The Apocalypse
Dinner Party II
4th December.
Needless to say, went OFF.
Some awesome audio was captured. Unfortunately I forgot to save it, because I’m an idiot. But here is the obligatory formula picture of everyone in the back garden:
Filed under Art, Awesomeness, Failure, killing the backlog, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot
Filed under Awesomeness, Benevolence, Boogie Fever, Drugs, killing the backlog, Music, Night Time, People, Travel
Dinner Party I
24th October.
For the Facebook-equipped, here’s a link to the Dinner Party Project manifesto.
This all started the night before G’s Picnic at Prudence, when – in a sudden, entirely-non-drug-induced moment of feeling like I was peaking on fucking awesome drugs – I was compelled to inform my friends Vicwie & Kav that they would, at some point in the near future, be coming to dinner at my house.
Four other superstars from my work (including the legendary Bourkie) were subsequently invited. And Toots, obvs.
It occurred. It went off.
The rest is currently in the process of going down in relational aesthetics history.
(In accordance with her wishes, all of V*cw*e’s audio parts have been edited out; the excisions are marked with bleeps.)
Filed under Art, Audio, Awesomeness, Chaos, Dreams, killing the backlog, Muntedness, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, Snugglebucks, The DPP
3rd October.
Not really a picnic. Due to inclement weather it was held inside at Gab’s place.
But it was still good. (If admittedly not as good as the night before; omg. But that’s a story for a forthcoming post..)
Filed under Audio, Bitches, killing the backlog, Life Is Good, People, Photos, silly humans *rolls eyes* etc