Category Archives: Damage Control
Filed under Chalk, Damage Control, Occupy, People, Perseverence, Photos
Obligatory Birthday Party Post
Saturday, 24th September.
An epic time was, needless to say, had.
The Patrick Porter award for the best present and best guest overall goes to Kirrily. The prize for the most perverse guests goes to the Keith! Party crew – comprising on this occasion Talkshow Boy, 2-SHEE, Hot God, Gezus and entourage including Ms C. C*ulter (alias unknown) – who turned up unfashionably early, immediately occupied what would normally be the dancing room and systematically set about turning it into a chillout room. WTF. (NB: And it was *great*.)
Prize for the most long-lost-but-pleasingly-now-seemingly-regained former CH party regular goes to Vicwie. Prize for the best guest who wasn’t able to attend physically but who came in essence goes, as always, to Wads. Prize for the best autographed copy of Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” and best Tasweigan mafia attaché goes to Doktor Midnight aka The Dan Cross Revolution. Prize for the best drug by almost universal consensus goes to nitrous oxide.
Prize for the most gobsmacking act of delusionality – not to mention the most concerted but nevertheless pathetically unsuccessful attempt to ruin a birthday party of mine in the history of the world – goes to the profoundly fucked in the head disappointing Ms G. Rouse. Prize for the most departing housemate of three years goes to Grim$ha.
Prize for the most heroically tenacious still-recovering-from-her-own-birthday-shenanigan-the-previous-night attendee and all-round best MC-Ren-would-you-please-give-your-testimony-to-the-jury-about-this-fucked-up-incident regaliousness goes to Toots.
Special award for the mouthiest ho goes, as it generally does, to Kat (see audio, below).
Extra special thanks to, y’know, everyone. Seriously.
Stuff I Did This Year
My 2010 started on a high. Life was good and all the stars were aligned, etc. Unfortunately the wheels started to come off in the second quarter and the second half was an increasingly shitful and regressive abortion.
So it goes. We’ll do this as many times as we have to.
Amongst other things (hosting some fairly awesome dinner parties, etc) I:
- Went to Thailand;
- Started studying art in fulfilment of longterm ambitions (alongside baby sis);
- Went part time halfway through first semester (see also baby sis);
- Reconciled with a former close associate after a long estrangement, which made me very happy;
- Got very suddenly & unexpectedly shitcanned by a then-close associate three weeks later, with the inverse effect;
- Deferred school and everything else and moped around reclusively for months doing increasingly little except thinking about everything, with increasingly hilarious consequences;
- Turned
3424 2.0; - Slapped myself around some for having fucked up so badly, thereby fucking things up more;
- Got a job and started to apply the breaks.
I’m not going to thank specific people Oscar-stylez like I have the last two years.
People who’ve been awesome: thanks. People in general: also that other thing. Seriously.
Life is improving. I think we’ll be doing just fine if we relax a little.
Happy new year.
Easter Camping
Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Chaos, Damage Control, Discombobulation, Drugs, It'll All Come Good, Night Time, People, Photos, School, the walls are mushy, Travel
RIP Beard
Partly inspired by high-calibre acquaintances including Atkins, Danny Smith and Justin, and partly because G told me to (although she changed her mind once I actually did it), I have been growing a beard.
I’ve never done this before. I hadn’t shaved since new year. I quite liked the idea of not cutting any of my hair all year. But I think it looks shit, so I just shaved it off.
I saved the hair. I will give or send some of it to anyone who comments on this post. (I have been getting zero comments lately. Lift your game, people.)
Filed under Damage Control, Goodbyes, Here Is The News, Photos
The DP I Audio Is Finally Up
All of V*cw*e’s parts have been edited out – which is a shame IMHO, coz they’re golden. But so it goes.
(She got kind of shitty at me about the whole thing, which was a bit upsetting. This is the first time anyone’s ever gotten pissy at me over blog audio. There’s an interesting post in all of this. But methinks it’s a story for another time.)
In happier news: I found out on Tuesday that, against all expectations, I got into art school.
Wo0t!1! etc
Just, Wow
Whole calendar month without a new post. This has never happened before in the entire history of TF.
The reason it’s occurred is that:
- I recorded some audio of Liv drunkenly abusing Henley at my birthday party, which I didn’t want to listen to for fear it’d be excrutiatingly embarrassing.
- Subsequently-captured media started to pile up behind it.
- The whole thing became a procrastination bomb of horror proportions.
The stupidest part is I already know I can’t actually use the aforementioned audio anyway, coz L has – not unreasonably – vetoed this.
Then I got distracted preparing for art school interviewage, which finished today. (Went well; we’re happy.)
But now there’s no excuse. We’re gonna grind through it this week, before CH Dinner Party II on Friday night.
Please stay tuned.
Twisty Paper Piles
It was an alright idea. But it was just getting me down. Fuck that.
I quite liked the prospect of keeping it going until I got promoted to a team leader and taken off the phones, which I aspire to do. And then going, “Damn. There goes my project. Ah well, *shrugs*.”
But seeing as how I still seem terminally incapable of turning up to work on time, that may never happen. I’m thinking of killing myself*.
[*] NB Not really**.
[**] Well, not seriously.
Filed under Art, Damage Control, Destruction, Weblogs