Category Archives: Victory

Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In IV

Monday, 26th November.

Best. (Previously, previouser, previest.)

FB photo album. Compilation of my videos (and one of Moo’s):

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Filed under Best, Desperation, Enemies Of The State, Occupy, Perseverence, Victory, Video, WACA, Whack, YouTube

Long Overdue Handmade Thing For Gerard Swindle

FB Photo album / photo archive.

Handmade Thing For Swindle

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Filed under Art, Benevolence, Handmade Things, People, Photos, Victory

Occupy Friday #7


You Are Now Entering An Autonomous Zone

Circles @ OccFri #7 (click for larger)

Occupy Melbourne

The KWG dancing to the wheeliebin soundsystem at 1am:

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Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best, Boogie Fever, Chalk, Liable For Nothing, Occupy, Occupy Friday, People, Photos, Victory, Video, w0ot, YouTube

Stuff I Did This Year

In a nutshell: systematically climbed the fuck out of hell. Again. (See previously: 2005; 2007; 2009.)

And it’s good! Can’t complain.


“Friends – you know who you are; you know we’re grateful.” – Blur, 1993. (Seriously. If ever a year was about Who Your Real Friends Are, it was 2011.)

Similarly, those who have fucked me up and fucked me over this year most likely know who they are also, and possibly how I feel about this (hint: angry, bewildered and sad) – with the possible exception of the Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle (note contact details), who I strongly suspect does not have any idea who I am.

(I also doubt he reads this blog. But since it just can’t be said often enough I might as well take this opportunity to (re)state, for the record: Robert Doyle, you’re a fucking cunt. You really are.)

The bulk of this year’s SIDTY post I rendered in audio format at the coast a few nights ago. It goes into a bit more detail (although, to be honest, not all that much). Enjoy:

You can see the pony...

... can't you?

Vale 2011. Viva 2012.

Happy new year!


Filed under :), Adversity, Audio, Awesomeness, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Benevolence, Cunts, Discombobulation, Dreams, Drugs, Exhaustion, Here Is The News, History, Illusion Of Time, Life Is Good, Night Time, Occupy, People, Perseverence, Philosophica, Photos, Self Analysis, Swings & Roundabouts, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot, Weblogs

Occupy McFarland St Treehouse aka Sarah’s Housewarming

Friday, 2nd December.

Why can't the clear-eyed Bodhisattvas sever the red thread?

Morning @ McFarland St

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Filed under :), Art, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Cosiness, Dreams, Genius, Heh, Liable For Nothing, Messengers Falling To Our Aid, Muntedness, Mysteries, No Risk Too Great, Occupy, People, Photos, Things That Are In, Victory, w0ot

Obligatory Birthday Party Post

Saturday, 24th September.

An epic time was, needless to say, had.

The Patrick Porter award for the best present and best guest overall goes to Kirrily. The prize for the most perverse guests goes to the Keith! Party crew – comprising on this occasion Talkshow Boy, 2-SHEE, Hot God, Gezus and entourage including Ms C. C*ulter (alias unknown) – who turned up unfashionably early, immediately occupied what would normally be the dancing room and systematically set about turning it into a chillout room. WTF. (NB: And it was *great*.)

Prize for the most long-lost-but-pleasingly-now-seemingly-regained former CH party regular goes to Vicwie. Prize for the best guest who wasn’t able to attend physically but who came in essence goes, as always, to Wads. Prize for the best autographed copy of Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” and best Tasweigan mafia attaché goes to Doktor Midnight aka The Dan Cross Revolution. Prize for the best drug by almost universal consensus goes to nitrous oxide.

Prize for the most gobsmacking act of delusionality – not to mention the most concerted but nevertheless pathetically unsuccessful attempt to ruin a birthday party of mine in the history of the world – goes to the profoundly fucked in the head disappointing Ms G. Rouse. Prize for the most departing housemate of three years goes to Grim$ha.

Prize for the most heroically tenacious still-recovering-from-her-own-birthday-shenanigan-the-previous-night attendee and all-round best MC-Ren-would-you-please-give-your-testimony-to-the-jury-about-this-fucked-up-incident regaliousness goes to Toots.

Special award for the mouthiest ho goes, as it generally does, to Kat (see audio, below).

Extra special thanks to, y’know, everyone. Seriously.

Stark Reminder Of Mortality

(Previously; previously; previously.)

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Filed under :), Audio, Awesomeness, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Bitches, Chaos, Current Affairs, Damage Control, Discombobulation, Estrangement, History, Life, Mentalism, Muntedness, People, Photos, Swings & Roundabouts, Victory, w0ot, What Kind Of Fuckery Is This

Second Day Of Spring


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Filed under :), Are You Hungry, Awesomeness, Bitches, Games, Life Is Good, Muntedness, Music, People, Perseverence, Photos, Victory, w0ot

Birthday Party

Friday 17th September.

It started out as the intended convivial quiet gathering.

Convivial quiet gathering

Toots (and Gem) made me cupcakes

Suffering some uncertainty as to whether I was being terribly rude – but hey, it was my birthday, and moreover Luke forced my hand. As in literally picked me up and carried me out the door – I abandoned said gathering temporarily to go see these people play a venue down the road with a roomful of balloons at around 11pm.

(Due to a combination of behind-scheduleness and licensing restrictions, they very nearly didn’t. But in the end they beat the odds – and the law – and totally did.)

Keith! Party

Then, with a few new guests in tow, we returned to CH an hour and a bit later to find the former quiet gathering had unexpectedly hit critical mass in our absence and was comprehensively going OFF. Omg!

This pic represents the otherwise undocumented period after K!P when everything unanticipatedly went crazy awesome

The universe, in effect, threw me a bitchin surprise party.

Mr Daniel totally made me a cake also

Big thanks to everybody who conspired with the universe to make it such a happy one.


Filed under :), Audio, Awesomeness, Benevolence, People, Photos, Things To Be Thankful For, Victory

The DP I Audio Is Finally Up


All of V*cw*e’s parts have been edited out – which is a shame IMHO, coz they’re golden. But so it goes.

(She got kind of shitty at me about the whole thing, which was a bit upsetting. This is the first time anyone’s ever gotten pissy at me over blog audio. There’s an interesting post in all of this. But methinks it’s a story for another time.)

In happier news: I found out on Tuesday that, against all expectations, I got into art school.

Wo0t!1! etc


Filed under :), Art, Bitches, Damage Control, Failure, Here Is The News, School, The DPP, Victory, w0ot, Weblogs

Stuff I Did This Year

This year was all about recovery. It started out in the absolute pits of hell, slowly got better, and – a few ickle problems here and there aside, but whatcha gonna do – ended all up in unmitigated gnarley.


As per last year I feel more like talking about people than doings or accomplishments. Specifically, and without wanting to get too gushy, all the people who’ve helped me in all their various ways to remember what the whole circus is about. Really forgot for a while there. Fucken’ sucked.

So couldn’t have done it without yiz.

Thanks. Seriously.

  • Mum, Dad & Jess.

  • Ben.

  • Despite – and partly because of – some serious difficulties, Liv (and co).

  • Henley.

  • On an obscure tip: Martha, Dolly, Magnus, Tim, my secret admirer, and the other Barn*by Ev*ns on Facebook.

  • Li.

  • Nada A.

  • Nada Z (nb not technically a person, but we’ll let it slide).

  • Em & co.

  • Kav. Georgie. Twyllan. Kinkel. Vicwie. Sims. Brendan. Zanella. The Major. Freedman. 2003 & co. And all the countless other people at/from my thankfully now-former work who are fucking awesome. But most especially them.

  • Relatedly: motorscooting Keith! Party and associates – most especially Bourkie, and Carol. We don’t really know Trajstman yet – but you may rest assured we intend to.

  • Cel.

  • Freakley.

  • Mr Ad*m F*rd (not the poet), and Mr D. Allan.

  • Grimsey.

  • Gab, obvs, and associates not previously mentioned, especially Pets & Dech (+ Scott, Ewan, Chirsp etc etc etc).

  • And last, but the exact opposite of least: Ms M. F. “prog081” Evans and associates, esp. Kat, Hayley, Fran & co, Ange & Chloe.

The admittedly sometimes finite limitations of my resources notwithstanding, these people can – at any time, and to whatever extent they may deem necessary and/or desirable – stand the fuck under my umbrella.

I’d also like to extend a really colossal, biblical-epic-stylez “fuck you” to one or two other individuals whose selfish, infantile cuntishness and astonishing lack of Vision ™, conversely, reeeallly hasn’t helped. Anyone. But I won’t. It won’t help. We can only have faith that in time they will grow the hearts, brains, spines and souls they surprisingly appear to lack.

Having A Soul: It’s Good.


Happy new year.


Filed under :), Adversity, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Here Is The News, Illusion Of Time, Life, People, Perseverence, Schmobos, some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts, Swings & Roundabouts, The World Is A Disco Ball, Victory, w0ot

Dinner Party II

4th December.

Needless to say, went OFF.

Some awesome audio was captured. Unfortunately I forgot to save it, because I’m an idiot. But here is the obligatory formula picture of everyone in the back garden:


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Filed under Art, Awesomeness, Failure, killing the backlog, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot

G & Shaisty’s Housewarming

13th November.

G's Housewarming

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Filed under Awesomeness, killing the backlog, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, silly humans *rolls eyes* etc, Victory

Battle Fatigue

It’s been a good winter on Planet T.

It’s sure as hell ripped off the head and shat down the neck of the previous one, which nearly killed me. (No, really.) We’re Learning To Do Winter, apparently. Hooray for that.

But I’m ready for it to be over now.


UPDATE (Friday): You are not listening to me, weather.


Filed under Here Is The News, History, The End Is Nigh, Victory

Chez Hagakure G&T Sock Swap

With Liv.

Sock Swap 1

Sock Swap 2

(Previously; previously.)


Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best Thursday Night Ever, Bitches, Current Affairs, Domestica, Drugs, History, I'm Intrigued And Would Like To Know More, Life Is Good, People, Self Analysis, Victory, Weblogs

B. C. E.


Can’t complain.

Although, y’know, in some ways it was almost too easy.



Filed under Art, Cryptography, Death, It'll All Come Good, Night Time, Nothing, Signs Of The Apocalypse, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, Victory, w0ot