Category Archives: Failure

“Occupy Saturday” #1

Didn’t really happen. But at least the tree looked pretty.

"Occupy Saturday" #1

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Filed under Awesome Trees, Failure, Occupy, Perseverence, Photos

TPPA Ch 7 News Hijack @ Fed Square

This all started when I received a call from Moo first thing in the morning advising that Channel 7 would be doing their evening news broadcast live from Federation Square, and suggesting that we quietly herd the cats for some snap TPPA-awareness-raising action.

Although in the end I personally missed the whole actual thing. Who knew it would turn out to be this epic? Wrong day to be taking a break. Oh well.

Amazing raw footage of Indi’s (1 gig). KenjiVision:

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Filed under :), Awesomeness, Chaos, Desperation, Discombobulation, Failure, Here Is The News, Occupy, People, Television, These Hippies Are Not Messing Around, Video, YouTube

Stuff I Did This Year

My 2010 started on a high. Life was good and all the stars were aligned, etc. Unfortunately the wheels started to come off in the second quarter and the second half was an increasingly shitful and regressive abortion.

So it goes. We’ll do this as many times as we have to.

Amongst other things (hosting some fairly awesome dinner parties, etc) I:

  • Went to Thailand;

  • Started studying art in fulfilment of longterm ambitions (alongside baby sis);

  • Went part time halfway through first semester (see also baby sis);

  • Reconciled with a former close associate after a long estrangement, which made me very happy;

  • Got very suddenly & unexpectedly shitcanned by a then-close associate three weeks later, with the inverse effect;

  • Deferred school and everything else and moped around reclusively for months doing increasingly little except thinking about everything, with increasingly hilarious consequences;

  • Turned 34 24 2.0;

  • Slapped myself around some for having fucked up so badly, thereby fucking things up more;

  • Got a job and started to apply the breaks.

I’m not going to thank specific people Oscar-stylez like I have the last two years.

People who’ve been awesome: thanks. People in general: also that other thing. Seriously.

Life is improving. I think we’ll be doing just fine if we relax a little.

Happy new year.


Filed under Adversity, Art, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Damage Control, Failure, History, Illusion Of Time, It'll All Come Good, Liable For Everything, Liable For Nothing, Life, Newness, Not Dead, People, Perseverence, Relational Aesthetics, School, Shitfulness, Travel, w0ot

The DP I Audio Is Finally Up


All of V*cw*e’s parts have been edited out – which is a shame IMHO, coz they’re golden. But so it goes.

(She got kind of shitty at me about the whole thing, which was a bit upsetting. This is the first time anyone’s ever gotten pissy at me over blog audio. There’s an interesting post in all of this. But methinks it’s a story for another time.)

In happier news: I found out on Tuesday that, against all expectations, I got into art school.

Wo0t!1! etc


Filed under :), Art, Bitches, Damage Control, Failure, Here Is The News, School, The DPP, Victory, w0ot, Weblogs

Dinner Party II

4th December.

Needless to say, went OFF.

Some awesome audio was captured. Unfortunately I forgot to save it, because I’m an idiot. But here is the obligatory formula picture of everyone in the back garden:


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Filed under Art, Awesomeness, Failure, killing the backlog, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot

Stuff I Did This Year

(Previously & previouslier.)

I missed most of 2007.

It started excellently, and ended okay. Adventures were had, things were discovered; it was not a total dead loss. But overall it will not be remembered as a banner year on Planet Teigan.

This year, amongst assorted other things (see archives), I:

  • Misguidedly started a BA at Melbourne Uni for the second time, and then dropped out after a month for the second time.
  • Got kinda down.
  • Just about survived winter without going totally insane or throwing myself under a train.
  • Gradually got better.
  • Got totally ditched, in my absence, by the artist formerly known as Lady J after an extremely Significant & Intense 18-month relationship.
  • Spent approximately 680 hours conducting telephone-based social research for money. (The weirdness, the horror, the tedium etc). (Also: The doodling.)
  • Somewhat overambitiously applied & was interviewed for a BFA at one of the premier art schools in the country, despite having basically no traditional visual art-type skills or talent at all. Was not accepted.
  • Spent what probably cumulatively amounts to several months on Facebook.
  • Drank quite a lot.
  • Various other things which are none of your damn business. Who the hell are you, anyway? Who are you really? etc

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Filed under Art, Drunkenness, F***book, Failure, History, Illusion Of Time, Life, People, Self Analysis, Work

This Month Has Been Totally Surreal

It’s certainly been interesting.

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Filed under Art, Current Affairs, Failure, Genius, Illusion Of Time, Life, Mysteries, People, Self Analysis, w0ot, Whack

Howard Belatedly Complies With Pulat Vanstone Directive

Semi was right. Victory for the Trysting Fields campaign.

Senator Amanda Vanstone says she will take some time to consider her future, after being dropped from the federal frontbench.

Senator Vanstone, who leaves the Immigration portfolio, says she is not sure if she will see out the five remaining years of her parliamentary term.

It’s unclear whether the subtext here is that she’s contemplating suicide. But if so, Mandy, know that you have my full support. You fat nasty bitch from hell.

(In other news: Is it just me or is Stan Grant looking, weirdly, much much blacker than he used to?)


Filed under Current Affairs, Evil, Failure, Victory, w0ot

If You’re Happy And You Know It

Or alternately, if you’re miserable and you know it – and it’s just no good at all



If you’re happy and you know it,
And you really wanna show it,
If you’re happy and you know it… clap your hands!


I feel better already.

Despite – he said, by way of explanation – the depressing fact that I have failed.

I am A Failure; one who has failed. That is What I Am.


It’s the last day of November. And despite my best intentions, I have failed to write a 50,000-word novel.

I gave it a good old Aussie go, though. Really, truly did!

But I didn’t write 50,000 words – and I didn’t finish it. And it’s dead now. It doesn’t want to be worked on any more. It has become a stinky moribund dead project that pains me and makes me annoyed at myself. And it’s bad when you annoy yourself.

Winces, girds loins, drives a stake through its beloved heart.

It’s dead. RIP, first attempt at writing a novel.

The silver lining is, I’m actually well pleased with the 37,566 words I did write. They came out great.


Which was really the problem. They were too good. Consequently, somewhere along the line, I forgot to not take myself seriously. Which is the whole big-thing point of NaNoWriMo. You can write a stupid 50,000 word novel in a month. But unless you are a bona fide literary genius, you can’t write a good one. Forget about it.

I’m tempted to quote Alanis Morrisette at this juncture. But for everyone’s sake, I shall abstain.

The point is: I’m, like, trying to be philosophical and shit. I feel pain now, but I know the venture was far from a dead loss. In the end, I got more out of it than I would have if I hadn’t undertaken it. And in any case, I’ve lost nothing. Just a ride. Etcetera.


In other shittiness news, nobody but a handful of stalwarts – it seems – can come to our party.

Again, I don’t feel too bad about it. It’s getting towards That Time Of Year; everybody has lots of prior engagements. A bunch of people came to the last one – and most if not all appeared to genuinely have a good time. So it’s not like this is a sign that all our friends secretly hate our guts, or think our parties suck.


Finally, congratulations are in order to Mr Tripto Deluxe, who jumped on board my NaNo bandwagon and then kicked my ass right off the damn thing by actually finishing his book.

Kudos to you, my friend. Kudos to you. No, I wouldn’t come to my party either. You have better things to do. Course you do. We’re not really going to kill you. That was totally, like, an empty threat. Course it was.

Love your work.


Oh, man – that’s the shit, right there.


Oh yeah. Oh yeah.


Excuse me, I have to be alone with my hands for a while.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Damage Control, Failure, NaNoWriMo, People, Philosophica, Self Analysis, some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts, Weblogs