Magus Saga Continues, Etc

Well, the end of the month has arrived, but despite my resolution, I’m still 168 pages shy of completing The Magus.

I have been contemplating suicide, but it really wouldn’t suit my style and besides, I want to find out if the ending is really as ambiguous and unsatisfying as everyone says.

The DVD of A Zed & Two Noughts I was coveting here has gone, I discovered today. However in its place was one of PG‘s preceding feature, The Draughtsman’s Contract (pictured, below) – also with director’s commentary! Go the digital revolution etc. Feeling in need of a compelling reason to live some retail therapy, and wary of being gazumped again, I bought it.

Yay, DVD of The Draughtsman’s Contract with director’s commentary.

Draughtsman's Contract DVD

What else? I happened to pass pipe-smoking Bolte Bridge participant Operative Arachni on Barkly Street this morning. I smiled at her, but I don’t think she recognised me.

Here is a picture of someone else’s toaster (my own is too retiring for photos):

Yawning depths of someone else's toaster


Filed under Books, Movies, Neurocam, Photos

6 Responses to Magus Saga Continues, Etc

  1. Someone elses toaster, hey? You been breakfasting at someone elses house? ; )

  2. Jo, I specifically told you not to refer to my secret double life which I never blog about, on account of it being so incredibly interesting and sex-filled that I’d max out my bandwidth. Curse you and your compulsive gossipery, shakes fist etc

  3. Fingers crossed Teigan, I might be able to photograph someone elses toaster by Thursday morning… Wait, I feel like I should explain this story… but I don’t want to.

  4. Wooooo. Fingers crossed.
    Actually, the closest thing I have to a sex life at the moment consists of being woken up at all hours of the night – and day – by the sounds of the unbelievably noisy and amorously prolific slattern who lives directly across from me (audio coming soon) and fending off the advances of skanky and/or interestingly-gendered streetwalkers whilst passing through my neighbourhood’s infamous tolerance zones. Oh, and stalking– er, reading Desci.
    So I eagerly anticipate your pictures.

  5. Or so you’d like the masses to believe… ; )

  6. Hush, now.
    Not in front of the masses.

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