Category Archives: Domestica


Totally and utterly ‘puterless. Still. I’m posting this from an internet cafe on Brunswick St.

It really does feel like I’ve entered a strange alternate (originally typed: “alternet”) dimension.

It’s quite good. It’s a PAIN IN THE ASS. But it’s certainly novel.

In other news: Happy first birthday, Nada.

Your birthday present is that you are now officially allowed outside to wander wither you will.

We look forward to seeing what you make of the world beyond the fortresslike confines of Chez Hagakure, and what it makes of you.


Filed under Discombobulation, Domestica, Here Is The News, Nada Zero

So, Things That Need Fixing:

  • My eMac (can’t take audio input, even via an external mic; this is No Good At All)
  • My TV (does not really need to be fixed; just needs a new adapter coz the old one got wet and died) (see also: DVD player)
  • My camera, apparently

Amount of spare cash I have lying around: none.

Prostitution is looking real good right now. I think it would pay better than conducting legitimate social research, be more fun, and also do more to make the world a better place.

But how do you get into the industry? Is there a TAFE course or something?


Filed under Desperation, Domestica, Poverty

There Is A Dead Cat In The Gutter Outside My House

I really wanted to take a picture and post it, but my camera has mysteriously died also.

So it goes.

Update (Tuesday) – Cruddy phone-camera pic:

Dead cat


Filed under Death, Domestica, Whack

To Do List

To do list

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Filed under Domestica, Doodles, Lost But Unconcerned, Photos

Hooray For Renovated Bathrooms

Renovated bathroom

(Previously and previouslyer.)


Filed under Domestica, Photos, w0ot

She Was Under The House

Yes, she must have gotten down there via the hole in the bathroom floor created by the removal of the former bathtub.

Nada reappears

She emerged when I removed the grate from this previously weed-encrusted portal in the back garden yesterday.

Nada emerging
Nada emergent

She’s a bit rattled and she’s lost a lot of weight, but apart from that she seems fine.

Skinny Nads


Filed under Domestica, Found, Nada Zero, Photos

Phantom Kitty (Mewl Without A Cat)

For the last three days, I’ve been hearing Nads mewl. In my bedroom, in the dining room, in the hallway, in the living room. She always sounds like she’s somewhere nearby.

I’m sure it’s her.

Have I seen her? No. Has she eaten any food? No.

This is nuts, man.


Filed under Domestica, Mysteries, Nada Zero


I haven’t shaved in a week.

No bathroom, see

Four days, they tell me.


Filed under Current Affairs, Domestica, Photos

Domestica, Discombobulation etc

Bathroom in transition

Showerhead and taps

Shit on porch

Nada has run away.

Can’t say I blame her. But I hope she comes back.

Update (10:10pm): She’s back.


Filed under Discombobulation, Domestica, Photos

Random Brunswick Street Encounters, Part Deux & Other Assorted


This afternoon a waifish aboriginal chick came up and asked me if I had any change. I said no, which was a lie but generally my policy in such situations.

She noticed I was wielding an unlit cigarette, and asked if I needed a light. Again, I said no (thanks). Which, conversely, I thought was true.

“You have a good day,” she said nicely, and continued on her way.

I fished into my pocket for the lighter I thought I had, and realised I didn’t actually have it.

So I chased after her and told her that I did, as it turned out, need a light after all.

“You looked like you didn’t have one,” she said with a quiet smile.

I gave her a dollar, and went to hand the lighter back.

“Nah, that’s okay,” she said. “I’ve got about six of them.”

Maybe you had to be there.

My only regret concerning this encounter, which totally rebrightened my day –

(Said day having turned, from promising beginnings, to shitty slit-yer-wrists shit when it became apparent that I’d probably irretrievably lost my bag, containing my camera and my visual diary, in a taxi yesterday.

Which would have been really bad, and totally fucking sucked.

Turns out I’d left it at work the doodle palace. Phew.

But I digress.)

– was that I didn’t ask her if she could assist me in my ongoing quest for time machine fuel.

(Note to blog readers: TIME MACHINE FUEL IS SOUGHT.)

In other news: please excuse the rambling, discombobulated nature of this post.

Two and a half hours sleep, see.

I had to be up at six this morning to receive some people who came to strip the asbestos from my bathroom.

(Now the bathroom looks like this:

Gutted bathroom


And I didn’t get to sleep until 3:30am, because some broad whose name I forget [*] was fucking hardcore with my head.

Although she denies doing it deliberately. And in any case, I’m really just fucking hardcore with my own head, and attributing said headfuckery to an external source.

Which is, ultimately, all that any of us are ever doing.

(It pays to remember this sometimes.)

I fully hardcore fall down go boom now.

[*] I think maybe her name is Audrey.

I remember, very early on in our acquaintance, suspecting that might be her name and addressing her as such.

“Who’s Audrey?” she replied, all blinking wide-eyed incomprehension. Although in fact she knew damn well exactly who Audrey was. And she knew damn well that I knew that she knew. And that I knew that she knew that I knew that she knew. And in general, things were Known. You know how it goes, hypothetical blog reader.

In hindsight I might have imagined the blinking wide eyes.

Anyroad, I was well smitten and from that point on there was no turning back.

But that’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother time, if ever there was one.


Filed under Current Affairs, Discombobulation, Domestica, Drugs, It'll All Come Good, People, Pictures Of Lady J

It’s Time For Another New Post

That happened fast.

Here is a picture of the ink cart I bought on the way to work this afternoon:
Ink cart

Here are some doodles I did once I got there:
Doodle A

Doodle B

Here is a picture of ~‘s stuff in the hall, just before we moved it all out earlier this evening:
Jaye's stuff

Here is the schedule of cleaning I am going to do over the next week or so month:
Cleaning Plan

Here is a picture of the stirfry I made for dinner:
Stir fry

Here is a picture of Nada the no-longer-a-kitten-not-yet-a-cat’s dinner:
Nada's dinner

Here is a picture of some washing I just hung up:

Here is a picture of the bed I am going to now, that perhaps I may dream of posts more interesting than this one:

Good night.


Filed under Blah, Domestica, Doodles, Here Is The News, Photos

It’s Time For A New Post

Today is the first day of spring. Happy spring!

My housemate of the past eleven months is moving out on Monday. Au revior, Jaye. My previous housemate Bentendo moved out around this time last year.

Time, eh.

Now I need a new one. But first the bathroom has to be renovated. The bath is sinking and tiles keep falling out of the wall. It’s no good.

What else? Um, I’ve been selected for jury duty, which is weird. I didn’t even realise we had jury duty in this country. I guess they have to get jurors from somewhere.



Filed under Art, Domestica, Doodles, Here Is The News, History, Illusion Of Time, People

Possibly The Roast I Cooked On Saturday Night

In between taking pictures of lid arrangements and doodles.




They’re nice when it’s cold.

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Filed under Domestica, Food, Photos

I Don’t Know

It’s late, and I’m really drunk on wine & port & Charles Barkley (nb not that Chales Barklay) whiskey and ~ is cooking meatballs in the kitchen whilst Wortwut sits on the folded-out futon couch.

And I’m Concerned.

I wish you the very best.

Really do.


Filed under Domestica, Drunkenness, I'm Concerned, silly humans *rolls eyes* etc

More Kitty Pics

As requested.

Nada Zero, aged 4 months

She’s four months old now.

Nada hiding in desk cupboard

She’s grown quite a blt – although according to the vet who vaccinated her two weeks ago, she’s surprisingly small for her age.

Nada hiding in laundry

She still likes hiding (if thankfully not quite as much as before). And she’s still very lovely.

Nada hiding behind tree

Possibly better pics TK once I regain my proper camera (currently being fixed).


Filed under Domestica, Nada Zero, Photos