Friday, 20th July.
Category Archives: Goodbyes
Au Revoir, Scott :'(
The Occuparty
Saturday, 31st March / Sunday, 1st April.
This long-awaited and much-anticipated function at James Muldoon’s house to celebrate the scheduled end of OM’s as-it-turned-out-not-actually-finished-yet Federal Court litigation against Melbourne City Council was – perhaps predictably – a clusterfuck. But perfectly so.
I was late and missed most of it except the disastrous conclusion and surreal, prolonged aftermath. Not much media was captured, or at least not by me.
(UPDATE (11th Sept 2015): I found two pieces of audio. This one, captured at 2:15am on my way to Muldoon’s, and the one at the foot of this post, captured at 5:33am at Golden Towers in the city:)
All I have is notes:
I’m particularly sad I didn’t manage, despite trying, to record Cobina’s unforgettable trashed mic check after everyone was chucked out of Muldoon’s house at around 3am (“DOES THE COLLECTIVE / WISH TO PRIORITIZE / FOOD, OR ALCOHOL? / WE SHOULD MAKE A DECISION / AND PROCEED ON THAT BASIS. / YOU ARE ALL FUCKED. / YOU ARE ALL. FUCKED.”) – leaving a horde of feral occupiers running amok on the streets of Brunswick unable to reach consensus, and ultimately sitting stubbornly for hours and hours by the side of Sydney Rd throughout the night for no particular reason except that, y’know, that’s what occupiers do.
Here’s a photo I took during said sit-in at around 5am (the sign at the top, which you can’t read due to overexposure, said “WHELAN: THE WRECKER”. This seemed profoundly meaningful or at least funny at the time):
And here’s a photo of chalkage done by Kenji at City Square, where the two of us ultimately wound up, compass-like, at 7am:
Filed under Adversity, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Bittersweetness, Chalk, Chaos, Confority Is The Antitheis Of Freedom, Delirium, Desperation, Destruction, Discombobulation, Dreams, Drugs, Drunkenness, Evil, Exhaustion, Goodbyes, Hate, Mentalism, Night Time, Occupy, People, Perseverence, Photos, Sadness, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, Utopia, Fantasy & Reality In Radical Politics, Whack
Filed under Adversity, Art, Awesomeness, Bitches, Chaos, Destruction, Discombobulation, Domestica, Drugs, Goodbyes, Mentalism, Misanthropy, Mysteries, Newness, Night Time, Not Dead, People, Perseverence, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, Sadness, Schmobos, Shitfulness, Swings & Roundabouts, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, the walls are mushy, What Kind Of Fuckery Is This
RIP Beard
Partly inspired by high-calibre acquaintances including Atkins, Danny Smith and Justin, and partly because G told me to (although she changed her mind once I actually did it), I have been growing a beard.
I’ve never done this before. I hadn’t shaved since new year. I quite liked the idea of not cutting any of my hair all year. But I think it looks shit, so I just shaved it off.
I saved the hair. I will give or send some of it to anyone who comments on this post. (I have been getting zero comments lately. Lift your game, people.)
Filed under Damage Control, Goodbyes, Here Is The News, Photos
SRC Xmas Party
17th December.
Vale SRC. I’m gonna miss you hugely in some ways; in other ways not so much. I’ll certainly miss your Xmas parties. Or maybe I’ll just crash them.
The following was captured at Harrie & Atkins’ house, at some point quite far into the 17-odd hours’ worth of extended shenanigans.
Messy night; messy audio. But I like it.
It’s All Over
So long, the so-called Real World. It was nice knowing you. In some aspects.

ION: O. M. F. G. Why was I not told about this?! (That’s what I get for not reading the news, I guess.)