Monthly Archives: April 2009


I spent yesterday evening migrating to a new phone.

(I lost my iPhone in a taxi a few weeks ago. Deep down I wanted to lose it. It was cursed by association.)

It’s a Nokia 6300, the same phone I had from October ’07 to February ’08.

I bought it again because I liked the first one a lot. It was the first phone I’d owned with a vaguely decent camera, a voice recorder, substantial storage capacity, and the ability to talk to my computer. I captured a lot of audio and took a lot of pictures with it, and posted a lot of both here.

Thems were happy, phoenix-from-the-ashes times. Could Has Art. It was great.

There was a lot of acid around then. Maybe that was a factor. Who knows.

(The whole record-some-audio-take-a-picture blogging formula continued, in a more standardized way, through the subsequent winter via the MacBook I got when my eMac died, around the same time that Wouters – sick of hearing me whine about nasty text messages from J that I didn’t want to read – killed the aforementioned old Nokia by dropping it in a glass of bourbon & coke.

Different era, more complex & difficult, but in its own way equally good.

Then – in a seasonally trend-bucking turn of events – everything went to shit when Spring hit, and life stopped. Couldn’t Has Art.)

The phone died, but its memory card survived.

Going through all of that old media last night was reeaal interesting.

I think it’s time for some psychedelics.

Photo I took this afternoon with my new old phone

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Filed under Destruction, Discombobulation, Drugs, Enough With The Obsessive Retrospection Already, Photos

Teigan’s Subconscious Has A Plan

I don’t entirely understand it RN, but it seems solid. It’ll work.

So stop digging and chill the fuck out, man.

Give your brain some credit.

We’re gonna be okay.

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Filed under :)

In Cyclical Terms, Right (Redux)

Went under: May ’06.

Came up: July/August ’06 (thanks, cactus).

Went under: April ’07.

Came up: August/September/October ’07 (protracted ascention courtesy of Ms J Hawthorne).

Went under: November ’08.

I don’t know where we are right now, which means we’re still basically down. Life is BLAH. But we’re a hell of a fuckload better than we were in JanuaryFebruary (shudder). Progress occurs.

I’ve – yeah – never talked directly about this stuff here much in the past. (Edit: except at the very beginning, I guess.) I don’t know why I am now, or if it’s sensible. Talking about badness just feeds into it.

And insofar as I use my blog as a kind of metaprogramming tool, being too explicit generally isn’t productive. Sleight of mind, dude. Ever heard of it?

Teigan’s ego is addicted to saying too much.

I just got nothin’ else to talk about RN. The only thing I really care about is getting out of this $%# hole.

Which is kind of the problem.

FFS stop digging and chill the fuck out, man.

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Filed under History, Nothing, Self Analysis



Filed under Not Dead

Happy Easter

I like Easter.


Filed under Uncategorised

In Cyclical Terms, Right

We’re about here.

We want to be here.

But! Spring is still five long months away.

That’s okay.

We are not going to die. FFS.

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Filed under Life Is Okay


It’ll come good.


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Filed under :), Adversity, Awesomeness, Dreams, Genius, It'll All Come Good

Twisty Paper Piles

Aborted blog/art project FTW!

It was an alright idea. But it was just getting me down. Fuck that.

I quite liked the prospect of keeping it going until I got promoted to a team leader and taken off the phones, which I aspire to do. And then going, “Damn. There goes my project. Ah well, *shrugs*.”

But seeing as how I still seem terminally incapable of turning up to work on time, that may never happen. I’m thinking of killing myself*.

[*] NB Not really**.

[**] Well, not seriously.

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Filed under Art, Damage Control, Destruction, Weblogs