Category Archives: Benevolence

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2008!

We’re lost, but unconcerned.

It’s working out surprisingly well so far.

Requests are being taken, and may be directed to the usual address.

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Filed under Benevolence, Here Is The News, Newness, Self Analysis

Merry Christmas


Filed under Benevolence, Photos


Freedom & partnerships

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Filed under Benevolence, Dreams, Life Is Good, Photos

Yeah, Y’know? It’s Wednesday & I Needed Something To Post About etc

(It is All About The Blog[*].)

I was also feeling a bit stinky and jaded about people including but not limited to myself, and for both of these reasons it was all quite serendipitous and I-heart-the-universe that a much beloved friend chose yesterday to give me a semi-random present which – although a relatively small thing in itself – was both a :)-inducing gesture, and well-novel and blogworthy and shit.

It’s a pocket edition of Twister in the form of a little plastic box, with the spinner on the front and the dots – which are about the size of fifty-cent coins – stashed in a sliding drawer underneath. It conveniently doubles as a keyring.

(Unfortunately I’ve now, almost immediately, gone and lost it. So I can’t post a picture like I was planning to. I have to make do with words, which is unfortunate coz I’m kind of over them. But so it goes.)

It’s not very practical. If you wanted to play, you’d also have to be carrying some kind of adhesive to fix the tiny dots in place on the ground, or wherever. It’s hard to see the whole thing working out. But that doesn’t matter.

Without wanting to go into benevolence overload and make everybody throw up: hooray for semi-random presents, and those rare people who bring us nothing but goodness generally. Yay for things that make us happy. Even if only passingly so in some cases.

Life is transitory. Yes it is.

In other news, my jury selection hearing today went well, in the sense that as chance would have it I was not selected to serve on an actual jury.

In a way I was disappointed; it might have been an interesting experience. But I can’t really afford the time off work. Stupid needing money to live etc.

Now I am going to bed, because between one thing and another I’m so sleep deprived that I’m starting to hallucinate.

Good night.

[*] NB It’s so not really All About The Blog[**].

[**] Although I do love my blog.

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Filed under Benevolence, Here Is The News, People, Swings & Roundabouts

I’d Like To Thank The Academy

And also:

Honourable mentions:

And last but not least, my mum. Thanks for having me, etc. I appreciate it.

And various other people.

You are all – in your assorted different ways – special to me, and I love yiz. For whatever it’s worth.

That is all.

PS Interview went well.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Drunkenness, Here Is The News, Illusion Of Time, People, w0ot

Time Machine Fuel

The artist, gentleman & scholar formerly known as Semi/Dirty Kant/Rorschach gave me – perfectly – a time machine for my birthday.

Time machine (front)

I was touched. But I have not, as yet, been able to use it. Appropriate fuel is required, lest dire consequences etc:

Time machine (surface)

So, continuing a long and bizarrely successful TF tradition, I hereby formally call for time machine fuel; ideally an ongoing source thereof.

In case the preceding is too subtle

Successful respondents will be escalently awarded.


Filed under Benevolence, Drugs, History, Illusion Of Time

The World Is Everlasting

It’s coming and it’s going.

The dirtballs in your pockets and take off both your shoes, etc.



Filed under Benevolence, Dreams, It'll All Come Good

What I Got For Christmas

Yemeni coffee, British cigarettes and Cuban white rum
Coffee, Ciggas & Rum

Jellybeans & chocolate
Jellybeans & chocolate

Facial care products
Facial care products


A scarf
Sonic screwdriver not shown

A yoyo

A flipbook

Amongst other things.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Books, Food, Movies, Photos, w0ot

Vale Tript

*tips hat*

Sad day.

In other news, thank you to the anonymous person who ingeniously sent me this in a way I couldn’t respond to:

If you are who I think you are – you’re funny. And if I don’t know you, that’s even funnier.

Tell me – do you get curiously predictable headaches and phantom mice in your bed at 4am, too?


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Dreams, Evil, Heh, Night Time, Nothing, People, Weblogs

If You’re Happy And You Know It

Or alternately, if you’re miserable and you know it – and it’s just no good at all



If you’re happy and you know it,
And you really wanna show it,
If you’re happy and you know it… clap your hands!


I feel better already.

Despite – he said, by way of explanation – the depressing fact that I have failed.

I am A Failure; one who has failed. That is What I Am.


It’s the last day of November. And despite my best intentions, I have failed to write a 50,000-word novel.

I gave it a good old Aussie go, though. Really, truly did!

But I didn’t write 50,000 words – and I didn’t finish it. And it’s dead now. It doesn’t want to be worked on any more. It has become a stinky moribund dead project that pains me and makes me annoyed at myself. And it’s bad when you annoy yourself.

Winces, girds loins, drives a stake through its beloved heart.

It’s dead. RIP, first attempt at writing a novel.

The silver lining is, I’m actually well pleased with the 37,566 words I did write. They came out great.


Which was really the problem. They were too good. Consequently, somewhere along the line, I forgot to not take myself seriously. Which is the whole big-thing point of NaNoWriMo. You can write a stupid 50,000 word novel in a month. But unless you are a bona fide literary genius, you can’t write a good one. Forget about it.

I’m tempted to quote Alanis Morrisette at this juncture. But for everyone’s sake, I shall abstain.

The point is: I’m, like, trying to be philosophical and shit. I feel pain now, but I know the venture was far from a dead loss. In the end, I got more out of it than I would have if I hadn’t undertaken it. And in any case, I’ve lost nothing. Just a ride. Etcetera.


In other shittiness news, nobody but a handful of stalwarts – it seems – can come to our party.

Again, I don’t feel too bad about it. It’s getting towards That Time Of Year; everybody has lots of prior engagements. A bunch of people came to the last one – and most if not all appeared to genuinely have a good time. So it’s not like this is a sign that all our friends secretly hate our guts, or think our parties suck.


Finally, congratulations are in order to Mr Tripto Deluxe, who jumped on board my NaNo bandwagon and then kicked my ass right off the damn thing by actually finishing his book.

Kudos to you, my friend. Kudos to you. No, I wouldn’t come to my party either. You have better things to do. Course you do. We’re not really going to kill you. That was totally, like, an empty threat. Course it was.

Love your work.


Oh, man – that’s the shit, right there.


Oh yeah. Oh yeah.


Excuse me, I have to be alone with my hands for a while.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Damage Control, Failure, NaNoWriMo, People, Philosophica, Self Analysis, some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts, Weblogs

Man, I Just, Like, Voted

I wasn’t planning to originally, but Semi talked me into it on the grounds that the Greens will likely take some seats away from serious politicians, which is always a good cause. I hope he is having fun at Earthcore. I imagine that he is.

I just voted for the Greens whilst tripping on leftover cactus, partly in his honor. I’m sure Bob Brown (with whom I once shared a taxi, whilst dressed as a giant koala – i’m sure it wasn’t just a dream) would not disapprove. I tried to imagine what John Howard would feel. I tried to imagine him feeling pain in some way. How I tried. But all I could see was him going “stupid hippies; ah well, *shrugs*, they will all self-destruct soon enough anyway”, and not understanding at all. Which kind of pissed me off, but did at least make me feel like, in some obscure way, I had not done entirely the wrong thing.

Now I am trying to decide whether to watch The Dark Crystal again. I fell asleep before the end last time.

~ has suggested to me that the girl Gelfling ultimately dies; but I feel sure that this cannot be the whole truth. Henson and Oz would not do that to me. They would not dare.

I will watch their silly movie, in any case. They can bring it. Doesn’t matter if the chick dies; the whole healed-crystal thing redundifies such petty concerns.

Yes, it does.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Current Affairs, Damage Control, Desperation, Dreams, Drugs, Food, Genius, Heh, Here Is The News, Illusion Of Time, left the puzzle undone, ain't that the way it is, Life Is Good, Movies, Music, Night Time, Nothing, People, Pictures Of Lady J, Self Analysis, Sex, Weblogs, Whack

Life Is Good

nb clever peripheral utilization may or may not reveal secret hidden messages

Have a good look at yourself.! courtesy of Souvlaki King. No charge - real decent of them

Best steak sanger in Melbourne to boot, reckons Els; good to be seeing her back again

Faux-Red Bull Coke Zero I felt strangely compelled to buy

Steve Cronin sent this to me; he's basically good, I like him

In retrospect, some obscure shoutout significance may be read into the uncharacteristic choice of variety, but sometimes a pizza is just a pizza. Everybody basically understands pizza

Life is good.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Current Affairs, Damage Control, Dreams, Drugs, Food, Genius, Heh, Illusion Of Time, Life, Life Is Good, Movies, Music, Night Time, Photos, Self Analysis, w0ot


~ made this for me last night; I found it sitting on my speaker upon reluctantly emerging from bed at around midday.

He’s very creative.



Filed under Art, Benevolence, Drunkenness, People, Photos

Don’t Y’all Be Looking So Smug Now

Did Lady J send you this picture?

Did she then give you permission to post said picture to your blog?


Be grateful that I am so generously inclined to share.



Filed under Benevolence, Heh, left the puzzle undone, ain't that the way it is, People, Photos, Weblogs

What I Got For My Birthday

A can of whoop-ass Hagakure style yo Easy Surface Prep

Easy Surface Prep

A Discombobulator of my very own


Two bottles of apparently non-lethal Red Bull concentrate

Red Bull concentrate bottles

Two bottles of Arrogant Frog sauvignon blanc

Arrogant Frog sauvignon blanc bottles

Two delicious, beautifully wrapped and generally special cupcakes (not shown)

What remains of the cupcakes

Colourful and appealing multimedia art products

Multimedia art

A hefty biography of John Fowles, bafflingly enough

A Life In Two Worlds

A black 30 gigabyte iPod, which was nice

iPod & Billie

A Brave New World mug

Brave New World mug

Cards & chocolate

Cards Chocolate

Amongst other things.

Thanks everyone. It was great!


Filed under Benevolence, Death, Drugs, Drunkenness, Evil, Illusion Of Time, Movies, Music, People, Photos, w0ot, Wine Criticism