Category Archives: Awesomeness
Obligatory Birthday Party Post
Saturday, 24th September.
An epic time was, needless to say, had.
The Patrick Porter award for the best present and best guest overall goes to Kirrily. The prize for the most perverse guests goes to the Keith! Party crew – comprising on this occasion Talkshow Boy, 2-SHEE, Hot God, Gezus and entourage including Ms C. C*ulter (alias unknown) – who turned up unfashionably early, immediately occupied what would normally be the dancing room and systematically set about turning it into a chillout room. WTF. (NB: And it was *great*.)
Prize for the most long-lost-but-pleasingly-now-seemingly-regained former CH party regular goes to Vicwie. Prize for the best guest who wasn’t able to attend physically but who came in essence goes, as always, to Wads. Prize for the best autographed copy of Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” and best Tasweigan mafia attaché goes to Doktor Midnight aka The Dan Cross Revolution. Prize for the best drug by almost universal consensus goes to nitrous oxide.
Prize for the most gobsmacking act of delusionality – not to mention the most concerted but nevertheless pathetically unsuccessful attempt to ruin a birthday party of mine in the history of the world – goes to the profoundly fucked in the head disappointing Ms G. Rouse. Prize for the most departing housemate of three years goes to Grim$ha.
Prize for the most heroically tenacious still-recovering-from-her-own-birthday-shenanigan-the-previous-night attendee and all-round best MC-Ren-would-you-please-give-your-testimony-to-the-jury-about-this-fucked-up-incident regaliousness goes to Toots.
Special award for the mouthiest ho goes, as it generally does, to Kat (see audio, below).
Extra special thanks to, y’know, everyone. Seriously.
Second Day Of Spring
Filed under :), Are You Hungry, Awesomeness, Bitches, Games, Life Is Good, Muntedness, Music, People, Perseverence, Photos, Victory, w0ot
Handmade Thing From Nada
Filed under :), Art, Awesomeness, Handmade Things, People, Photos
Saturday, 14th May.
The first Chez Hag social event since the somewhat abortive dinner party marathon in November, and the first real party since my birthday in September.
Went off.
UPDATE (Sat 21st) – I thought no audio had been captured, but upon checking my phone this afternoon I found this recording, captured at 4:51am, of Johnny “Liable For Nothing” Coburg performing Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, accompanied (IIRC) by Ford on the acoustic guitar and featuring Grimsey scatting at the very end, which is something you don’t hear every day:
Filed under :), Audio, Awesomeness, Benevolence, History, People, Photos
So I Went To A Party Last Night
At my friend Dan Cross‘s house.
We’ve known and lived around the corner from each other for about three years, but it’s only this year that we’ve started hanging out regularly for whatever reason. It’s been good.
I’ve been living la vida recluse of late and ergo felt severely awkward and freakish initially. But the night came extremely good in the end and did excellent things for my faith in people and awesomeness, etc.
Here’s a photo I took at around 1:30am, the point at which I started to feel the full force of the awesome and was compelled to document it:
It was also at around this time that former operative Deadsoybean sent me some audio, which means that – as per a bargain we struck on January 30th – I can now send her the handmade thing she is owed under the terms of a F$&book status meme I posted a month or so ago.
(The preceding post was a picture of the first handmade thing, which was for Master Luke Hand. The next one will go to Jonathan Carfax. The one after that to the legendary Twyllan Mynodal, and the last to the artist formerly known as MC Gezus.)
Here’s some audio I recorded for Carfax (starring the aforementioned Dan Cross) on the night of January 23rd, when I made Soybean’s thing:
I like this audio a lot. I’ve listened to it over and over in late night goon stupours and it’s made me happy. I don’t know why. (If anyone wants me to bleep out their name, they can freakin complain.)
What else? I’m in a quandry about whether to go back to school in March or defer again. I kind of liked the idea of graduating in December 2012, just in time for the Mayan apocalypse/whatever. But when the world ends/whatever it won’t really matter whether I have a whole diploma of visual art or just half of one. And that I’m so not sure suggests to me that I should save it for when I’m feeling less not-sure.
I could do it part time but that seems half-assed, and I don’t really do half-assed.
So hungover rn omg. I’m going back to bed.
Filed under Adversity, Art, Audio, Awesomeness, Drunkenness, Handmade Things, Life, Not Dead, People, Photos
Stuff I Did This Year
My 2010 started on a high. Life was good and all the stars were aligned, etc. Unfortunately the wheels started to come off in the second quarter and the second half was an increasingly shitful and regressive abortion.
So it goes. We’ll do this as many times as we have to.
Amongst other things (hosting some fairly awesome dinner parties, etc) I:
- Went to Thailand;
- Started studying art in fulfilment of longterm ambitions (alongside baby sis);
- Went part time halfway through first semester (see also baby sis);
- Reconciled with a former close associate after a long estrangement, which made me very happy;
- Got very suddenly & unexpectedly shitcanned by a then-close associate three weeks later, with the inverse effect;
- Deferred school and everything else and moped around reclusively for months doing increasingly little except thinking about everything, with increasingly hilarious consequences;
- Turned
3424 2.0; - Slapped myself around some for having fucked up so badly, thereby fucking things up more;
- Got a job and started to apply the breaks.
I’m not going to thank specific people Oscar-stylez like I have the last two years.
People who’ve been awesome: thanks. People in general: also that other thing. Seriously.
Life is improving. I think we’ll be doing just fine if we relax a little.
Happy new year.
Birthday Party
Friday 17th September.
It started out as the intended convivial quiet gathering.
Suffering some uncertainty as to whether I was being terribly rude – but hey, it was my birthday, and moreover Luke forced my hand. As in literally picked me up and carried me out the door – I abandoned said gathering temporarily to go see these people play a venue down the road with a roomful of balloons at around 11pm.
(Due to a combination of behind-scheduleness and licensing restrictions, they very nearly didn’t. But in the end they beat the odds – and the law – and totally did.)
Then, with a few new guests in tow, we returned to CH an hour and a bit later to find the former quiet gathering had unexpectedly hit critical mass in our absence and was comprehensively going OFF. Omg!
The universe, in effect, threw me a bitchin surprise party.
Big thanks to everybody who conspired with the universe to make it such a happy one.
Filed under :), Audio, Awesomeness, Benevolence, People, Photos, Things To Be Thankful For, Victory
Filed under Adversity, Art, Awesomeness, Bitches, Chaos, Destruction, Discombobulation, Domestica, Drugs, Goodbyes, Mentalism, Misanthropy, Mysteries, Newness, Night Time, Not Dead, People, Perseverence, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, Sadness, Schmobos, Shitfulness, Swings & Roundabouts, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, the walls are mushy, What Kind Of Fuckery Is This
Proper CH Party
Friday 11th June.
The first oldschool stylez party we’ve had here since my birthday in September. Blame The DPP.
Went off.
Footage of my broken VCR/DVD player being ritually destroyed on the stroke of midnight: part 1 (42 meg); part 2, starring MYF (671 kb); part 3 (36 meg).
(My original plan was to throw it off the roof before destroying it. But unfortunately the ladder which would have facilitated this turned out to be at Toots’s house. So it goes; that piece of shit still got completely annihilated. Result! etc)
Filed under Awesomeness, Chaos, Destruction, Here Is The News, Muntedness, Night Time, People, Photos, Video, w0ot
Dinner Party IV
Saturday 10th April.
Starring Brendan, Duncan, Harrie, Luke, The Major, and Grimsey.
(11:11pm; 14min 12sec)
Like DP II, a relatively low-key occasion compared to DP I and DP III. (I don’t know why, although I have many theories.)
(11:56pm; 4min 35sec)
All the same: went OFF.
(1:22am; 1min 22sec)
Filed under Are You Hungry, Art, Asking The Important Questions, Audio, Awesomeness, Drunkenness, Food, Muffins, Music, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP
Easter Camping
Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Chaos, Damage Control, Discombobulation, Drugs, It'll All Come Good, Night Time, People, Photos, School, the walls are mushy, Travel
Night Before Luke’s SRC Farewell @ CH
Thursday 25th March.
With, y’know, Luke. Also starring Grimsey.
Some might argue that this audio is overlong and kind of banal in parts. I suspect even Tenex won’t make it to the end this time. But I like it.
Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Drunkenness, People