Nurture Naturewhat mean or arrange strengths client too challenges or Jessica redo felt time undone endless management seminars is tried processes or gadgets or organize constantly frustrated none talked junior midcareer Adhd mba somehow.

Is it me, or is spam just getting weirder and weirder and weirder?

I mean seriously.. wtf?

From: “addict.” Date: 26 October 2006 8:42:53 AM
Subject: confirmed react poorly

Rory Singer Kendall Grove Haynes Observer Simple welcomes a feedback of sources Newsthe these am reproduced a without rt. Rory Singer Kendall Grove Haynes Observer Simple welcomes a feedback of sources Newsthe these am reproduced a without rt.
Nurture Naturewhat mean or arrange strengths client too challenges or Jessica redo felt time undone endless management seminars is tried processes or gadgets or organize constantly frustrated none talked junior midcareer Adhd mba somehow.
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There needs to be a punchline here of some kind but I just… I don’t know what it is.


Filed under Current Affairs, Heh, Whack

8 Responses to Nurture Naturewhat mean or arrange strengths client too challenges or Jessica redo felt time undone endless management seminars is tried processes or gadgets or organize constantly frustrated none talked junior midcareer Adhd mba somehow.

  1. teigan

    And if you’re thinking i just posted that to push the previous post down… you might not be wrong
    I’m over it
    It’s just fun to really hate people who truly deserve to be really hated

  2. I have a present for you.
    Or I will… tomorrow.

  3. teigan

    w00t! It’s nice to get presents
    Public cheers also to Cronin for sending me The Dark Crystal, incidentally
    He’s okay really
    Or will be one day

  4. rob hely

    >I don’t know what part of the threat you >imagine is empty, but you may
    >rest absolutely assured that I will break >your face given half an opportunity
    Did you know that it is illegal to threaten people? If you want to keep it this real I will be contacting the police.

  5. jo

    *scratches head*
    I thought harassment was also illegal…
    Not that I at all condone threats or actual violence but one would have thought that your behaviour may have crossed a line or two here and there as well, Mr Hely.
    Blackmailing your cronies to heckle me to try to get his address and mobile number, instructing people to call his sister, sending abusive emails etc.

  6. teigan

    Are you gonna take out a protection order against me? Are you scared of me, Robin?
    Thanks, you’ve made my day.

  7. teigan

    And incidentally, no – I don’t know where you live, have no desire to find out; I do have your number but I’ve no intention of using it for anything; ideally now I would like you to totally disappear from my world.
    Unlike some, I don’t take sadistic pleasure in terrorizing and psychologically torturing people. Even people like you.
    Find that kind of thing to be a bit pathetic, actually.

  8. teigan

    Like I said in my email
    It probably won’t be today or tomorrow
    But you will get yours
    And it will hurt
    Don’t know if I’ll be directly or indirectly involved (probably not)
    Don’t know if I’ll get to watch (again probably not; pity)
    But you’ll get yours
    That is in no way a threat, however
    It’s just an observation based on what little experience I have accrued about How Things Seem To Work
    Now get the fuck off my blog
    You’re barred

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