Should I Take This This Down?

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Filed under Self Analysis, Weblogs

19 Responses to Should I Take This This Down?

  1. wortwut

    why would you do that? Whistleblowing is so hot right now

  2. You probably should take it down. Or at least edit it. I’m sure a lot of people enjoy Neurocam for what it is (or rather, what it isn’t)

  3. Anonymous

    whenever/if ever the new neurocam starts then yes.
    for now, you might as well leave it up.
    i don’t agree with adam’s point. anyone that wasn’t forced to find out already, will be asking questions and searching for the answers anyway.
    i figure it’s good to be up front about these things.

  4. xx

    by the way, that comment below adam’s is mine, forgot to sign it, sorry.

  5. Anonymous

    Please do.
    P.S. – XX, You are Gertrude Zelle.

  6. Byron

    Man… is this the fall of cam?
    Read your blog as a lurker Teigan, and as a relative newbie I haven’t even got the remotest idea of what’s going on.
    Read your blog in spite of the cam, not because of it.

  7. Simon Moon

    Take it down.

  8. The oracle has spoken! (What’s up with your email, Kyb?) (Both of them, heh)
    Thanks for the feedback everyone.
    I’ve taken it down.
    I stand by every word. I had a lot of issues with the Cam – and whatever some people may think, they were not just sour-grape issues. It felt really good to get them out in the open. And I had every right.
    Neurocam is a predatory and exploitative phenomenon in many ways. It really screwed me, and I don’t like that very much. I especially don’t like the idea of similar things happening to other people, which they have – and those people being too afraid to talk about it.
    I don’t like intimidating cultures of silence.
    But ultimately the sea is full of sharks and people must look after themselves. caveat emptor. I don’t want to go down as the man who killed Neurocam. (Even a Neurocam with fucking Beltaine in charge.)
    I have a lot to thank NCI for, o’course. It certainly ain’t all bad. It’s one of the most interesting projects I’ve ever been involved with. Like I said, I really believe in what it could be. Almost was at times. May be someday, in some form.
    In any case, I don’t think this has killed it – merely wounded it a little.
    And that’s what Neurocam gets, for what it did to me.
    The end.

  9. Li

    If Neurocam had any clout left, it would use this to simply expand the narrative. You destroy people’s illusions, then re-create them. After all, when a person’s illusions are destroyed, there really is nothing left but to create new ones. Unless you want to sit with your legs crosses, breathing deeply and humming into the infinite abyss.
    I fear, however, that Neurocam has no clout, and has been let down by its want to be something that it’s not.
    You may have pissed in the sandpit, but really, there was so much urine in there I can’t see how it could have made a negative difference.
    Fill up the sandpit with piss, and watch the new narrative unfold, I say.
    Of course, you can do it without me. I’m just going to sit here, humming into the infinite abyss for a while.

  10. It’s all just grist to the mill really.
    Neurocam will deny everything I’ve said; there are always many competing perspectives and voices and in the end no one is quite sure what to think.
    That’s the way it works.
    >After all, when a person’s illusions are destroyed, there really is
    >nothing left but to create new ones.
    One would like to believe one can become a better illusionist by learning from experience.
    But what is ‘better’? How do you define ‘learning’? What constitutes ‘experience’? Whose illusion of progress are we talking about?
    It’s all just a big crapshoot in the end
    >Unless you want to sit with
    >your legs crosses, breathing deeply and humming into the
    >infinite abyss.
    Which, you know, is not to be undervalued..

  11. Anonymous

    I’d say don’t take it down, but whenever you do the neurocam talk, I have no fucking idea what you’re saying. I still don’t know what it’s about, and what’s all the bruhaha now. Sigh, I’m such a tard. Hope it all works out for you though, m’dear boy.

  12. Simon Moon

    Both of my emails? I hope you don’t mean and because both of those are unreachable at the moment. I don’t think anything is wrong with, at least nothing I can see.

  13. Grey

    I would request youtake nothing down, to do so would be injustice to the truth and intergrity of your narative. At least you have given us something to read, Neurocam has been such a Bore (for me at least).

  14. You’ve always been a comment magnet, Teigan.
    I think most people are aware of the reasons why you posted it and are cool with it. I can’t foresee any bad feelings. Least not with me because I am in love with you.

  15. By the way, i’m writing you a letter.
    I might even send this one.

  16. >I can’t forsee any bad feelings
    Despite what I posted on Tript’s blog, I still have profound respect for you Teigan and still look to your site as one of the excellent blogs that I can actually sit down and read regularly. While I don’t agree with your decision to post it, I definately respect the hard work you put in to get nothing back.
    You guys have been great. No hard feelings.

  17. Gigabane

    Actually Teigan, Neurocam hasnt denied anything you’ve said.
    I’ve been talking to Ms. Moore about a number of things lately, and when this came out I passed it along to her with some questions.
    She did say a few harsh words, but in no way said that your information was false.
    gg teigan ftw?

  18. Simon: 🙂
    >I think most people are aware of the reasons why you posted it
    >and are cool with it. I can’t foresee any bad feelings. Least not
    >with me because I am in love with you.
    You are blind! (You should see my hate mail..) But I love you too.
    >While I don’t agree with your decision to post it, I definately
    >respect the hard work you put in to get nothing back.
    Thanks for this – appreciated.
    I accept that in many people’s eyes this will seem like a pretty selfish thing to have done.. and maybe it is in some ways.
    I do feel kind of bad about it – which is why I took it down.
    But I don’t feel that bad.
    At least a few people get the point and that’s good enough for me.
    >Actually Teigan, Neurocam hasnt denied anything you’ve said.
    There was a denial – mentioning me by name – up on the disclaimer before it went down. Now I spect they’re trying to play the whole thing down.. let it sink into the mythos. And that’s the right way to spin it. I’d do the same.
    Love to know what Moore had to say; we were quite the double act at one time.
    (Who is Moore these days anyway? I don’t even know..)

  19. A G

    i don’t believe this, I don’t check your blog for a day and a half and i miss the death throwes? How unfair.
    And i didn’t even see the controversial bits – unless someone wants to email me a black market version – not that i would condone such behaviour of course…

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