Bathroom mirror


Cleaning destroyed


Filed under Domestica, Photos

8 Responses to

  1. Are you done?!
    Like, DONE done?!
    (*glances around filthy apartment. sniffs. opens a goddamn beer.*)

  2. Done.. and dusted!
    The cleaning is destroyed.
    *glances around spotless apartment*
    *feels clean and nice*

  3. Yeah, I’m a typical fucking Virgo.

  4. Li

    Can I use your toilet? This curry isn’t sitting to nicely.

  5. How much more do you have left in your Schedule of Destruction, or are you now complete?

  6. A few minor things. It will be complete come new year, as was intended.

  7. Merry Christmas fella. And a happy new year to you.
    Congrats on the cleaning… 😉

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