Fischer Stands Aside, Khan Terminated

Didn’t see this coming.

Subject: Farewell
Date: 12 July 2005 12:48:02 PM

Attention all staff and operatives.

Earlier today, notice was sent to the Board of Directors for Neurocam International of my decision to temporarily vacate the office of Chief Executive Officer for Neurocam International due to what I feel to be a potential conflict of interest. The Board has accepted my request for temporary leave and will announce an acting CEO as soon as a suitable replacement is found. My leave will be effective immediately (Tuesday, July 12, 2005).

Furthermore, Neurocam International has terminated the commission of Ms. Madeline Khan, Assistant to the CEO, effective immediately. I hereby wish Ms. Khan all the best with her future endeavors.

No further correspondence will be entered into regarding these matters.

Ms. Khan’s e-mail address will be inactivated immediately. My e-mail account shall remain active for fourteen days and all correspondence from it will be forwarded directly to the Head of Operations, Mr. Charles Hastings until such time as my successor is announced.


Bridget Fischer
Neurocam International

Anyone know what’s going on?


Filed under Neurocam

7 Responses to Fischer Stands Aside, Khan Terminated

  1. Hard to say what this means, other than it slightly improves your chances of meeting life ambition number 2 of your last post…

  2. I don’t know, but I’ve been looking for a good admin/assistant for a while.
    I wonder if Ms. Khan has found a new job yet.

  3. I’ll be your assistant! I have good admin skills, 60 WPM, a downright seductive telephone manner and I can also sing and play the trumpet. Just as long as I don’t have to wear a suit.
    Meanwhile, Reanimator reports that Ethical Standards Officer Livia Bratton seems to have dropped off the map, as well.
    Lesser-known figure Ms Elizabeth Van Lew of the Operations Division has also resigned.
    What is going on?

  4. Has anyone thought of this; perhaps we’re the dysfunctional ones, and it’s Neurocam that’s leaving us.
    I’ve already noted before that the blogerati seems able to sustain itself without any Neurocam input.
    Perhaps Neurocam is purging itself of the pesky online community, and concentrating on it’s operatives on the sidelines.
    The operatives that don’t delve, snipe, lie, and cause problems.
    How absolutely boring for them! 🙂

  5. Teigan, you’ve got the job, provided that you can make a hella good latte to go along with those scones.
    No suit and no shoes required.
    As an aside, I’m of the opinion that there never was an Ideology Council… so a big Votavova-style “exemplary job” goes out to “Livia Bratton.”
    Anyone have any more info on the Miles Carrefour email??? He’s the only person, besides Hastings, I emailed yesterday that didn’t bounce back.

  6. Reanimator – I think you may be onto something.
    Simon – Woo! No shoes! I dream of working shoeless. *long pause* Where do you live again?
    I am seeking assistance on the Miles Carrefour email.

  7. Gracias, man. I’m really curious to see what the text was… this is what I get for not joining the board earlier.
    I’m in dreary old New England, but I’m thinking of relocating back to the Pacific side of things, because I’d rather be working shoeless myself. 🙂

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