Things I Did In Canberra (Part 4)

cupboard street shed

I took quite a lot of pictures of the house. It didn’t really sink in before I left what an end-of-era event this visit would be; that I probably won’t be back in the Can’ for ages and ages.

bathroom hallway

When I do go back, the family home won’t be there anymore. If I’d thought more about it in advance, I prolly would have brought the transfer cable and systematically gone out and about taking loads and loads of pictures.

dining room toilet

That would have added a bit more focus to the trip, which might’ve been a good thing. But revisiting lots of old haunts for documentation purposes would have made me incredibly sad.

Keyboard in a box

Everything to do with Canberra makes me so sad these days. I hope that will change. I have lots of happy memories of the place were I grew up, along with all the sad ones. But I’ve been so unhappy there for so much of the time latterly that those associations pretty much obscure all the others. They did on this visit, anyway.


Filed under Photos

2 Responses to Things I Did In Canberra (Part 4)

  1. bentendo

    canberra’s weird like that, i went back the other weekend, i’n my head its the same as always, except that, well its not. people move on and things even though the place is perpetually 1998. leaving is probably the best thing i ever did. going back is becoming stranger and stranger. i just want my friends to leave as well, get out of the bubble that is the ACT.

  2. Frikkin’ a-men to that.
    Leaving is absolutely the best thing I ever did. Not getting out of there, like, four years ago is probably the worst thing I ever did.
    Hi btw, good to hear from yer.

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