Party In The Patch

Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st February.

(See previous.)

With Adam, Gab and Grimsey.

It was ace. Once again, got a shit-ton of audio – and once again (but even more so), it’s pretty much solid gold. So instead of fretting about what to use and what not to use like I did over the DP III post, I decided to just stick it all up; fuck it.

PITP blurb

Many of his followers would be surprised to learn that one of Ford's great guilty pleasures in life is to enjoy a sausage roll over a copy of the Herald Sun in not-particularly-glamorous Belgrave. Never let it be said that he lives in an ivory tower

PITP setup


PITP couches & feet

It would be fair to say we ignored this advice

Sunset over The Patch

Patch by night

PITP: the morning after

Post-PITP breakfastz


Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Boogie Fever, Drunkenness, People, Photos, Travel

2 Responses to Party In The Patch

  1. G

    I pretty much rule

  2. You’re not too bad. I like you.

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