It’s All Over

So long, the so-called Real World. It was nice knowing you. In some aspects.

ION: O. M. F. G. Why was I not told about this?! (That’s what I get for not reading the news, I guess.)


Filed under Awesomeness, Dreams, F***book, Goodbyes, Heh, I'm Intrigued And Would Like To Know More, Liable For Nothing, Nothing, Signs Of The Apocalypse, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, Travel, Use Of A Telephone For A Fictitious Purpose

6 Responses to It’s All Over

  1. Anonymous

    >>ION: O. M. F. G. Why was I not told about this?!<< I didn't want you to know how I was stalking your every move. I totally am too... *creates second life account*

  2. Li Wi Sherman

    It might be the blue wine speaking, but I can’t help but take this news as a signal of your symbolic self’s regression.
    Why would anyone one wish to re-enact three dimenionsional space when one has the means to transend it altogether?
    Do you realise how clumsy 3d is? Do you realise that Einstien did some sums to prove that 3d space is a MASSive timewaster?
    Information transends the physical, and is therefore, slowed down by it. Why would you do this Teigan? Why would you slow information down? Do you understand the irony of having a fast enough processor to slow information down?
    Somtimes…your actions…make baby internet cry.
    Bottom line: If you wish to move through space, do so. Get fit, flex for the women, beat up the beligerant and infuse your biology with chem and nutrients.
    And when you wish to exercise the other half of man’s nature: his symbolic self; the self that resides outside of time, in infinity, unecumbered by earthly restraints, then do so without the hinderance of a synthesised representation of that very thing.
    Earthly resistance can be fun, but don’t let it get in the way of your symbolic self. Your information self. Your deeper self.
    This is my plea to you.
    I’m’a get wasted at yo party.
    *sips blue wine*

  3. AG

    “ION: O. M. F. G. Why was I not told about this?! (That’s what I get for not reading the news, I guess.)”
    Heh – this may SEEM like the ultimate time waster, but the street view function on google maps is even better. I’ve even found my bike parked outside a building where i used to work.

  4. teigan

    Anon: Regretfully I must inform you that all my stalking vacancies are filled for this and the coming quarter. Contact me in December and I’ll send you an application. If you’re still around. *makes phonecall*
    [Do you realise how clumsy 3d is? Do you realise that Einstien did some sums to prove that 3d space is a MASSive timewaster?]
    I was aware of this, yeah.
    [And when you wish to exercise the other half of man’s nature: his symbolic self; the self that resides outside of time, in infinity, unecumbered by earthly restraints, then do so without the hinderance of a synthesised representation of that very thing.]
    .. And you may believe that I do. I just don’t, like, blog about it. (Or do I?)
    Second Life is still frikken awesome, tho.
    [I’m’a get wasted at yo party.]
    Astro cat will play for you the symphony of space.
    Hooray for everything.
    AG: Unless I’m very much mistaken, Google Earth incorporates this feature. I spent several happy hours wandering the streets of my native Canberra; the neighbourhood of my crazy Irish ex in Dublin; my hood in London; the area surrounding Kibly’s former cupboard in Salford and several other places of interest.
    It didn’t feel like a waste of time, either. But then I don’t really believe in all that stuff.

  5. teigan

    ION: Blue wine?
    Is it a derivative of blue lava?

  6. AG

    “AG: Unless I’m very much mistaken, Google Earth incorporates this feature.”
    It does indeed. I’d only ever used it on the maps thing.
    I also had the fun of using google earth for a legitimate work related purpose once. Who knew?

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