Chez Hagakure Red Wine & Homebrew Quiet Night In

With Luke.



Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Bastards, Bitches, Cunts, Drunkenness, Heh, Liable For Nothing, People, Photos, Poverty, Sex, Work

19 Responses to Chez Hagakure Red Wine & Homebrew Quiet Night In

  1. Gab

    Wah wah wah. Woe is me! Girls complain about the scratchiness if my beard! Life is so hard!

  2. Gab

    *of* my beard.
    That is all.

  3. Liv

    Yeah… Kind of ewww 😛

  4. teigan

    Can it, bitches.

  5. Adam

    my beard is too scratchy!

  6. L

    Dark whopper anyone? I see they have been released.

  7. teigan

    Ads – Does it make kissing yourself a trial?
    L – Are you Wouters? If so, fuck off. If not, thank you for this intelligence.
    *goes to Hungry Jacks*

  8. Liv

    [Dark whopper anyone?]
    You are so racist!

  9. L

    No L is Luke not fricken Wouters.

  10. teigan

    Why not just call yourself fricken Luke, then?

  11. L

    I thought L would be clear enough.

  12. teigan

    No, not at all. You’re not the only person in the world whose name starts with L. You’re not even the only person I know who reads my blog whose name starts with L.

  13. Luke

    Just for you then I’ll use my name.

  14. Luke

    The Dark Knight has a commercial for the Dark Whopper before the main feature.

  15. L

    See? My name starts with L too. *confusinggggggggg*
    Down with anonymous blog posts!

  16. Luke

    Indeed anonymous blog posts are for wusses

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