With Luke.
Chez Hagakure Red Wine & Homebrew Quiet Night In
Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Bastards, Bitches, Cunts, Drunkenness, Heh, Liable For Nothing, People, Photos, Poverty, Sex, Work
With Luke.
Filed under Audio, Awesomeness, Bastards, Bitches, Cunts, Drunkenness, Heh, Liable For Nothing, People, Photos, Poverty, Sex, Work
Wah wah wah. Woe is me! Girls complain about the scratchiness if my beard! Life is so hard!
*of* my beard.
That is all.
Yeah… Kind of ewww
Can it, bitches.
my beard is too scratchy!
Dark whopper anyone? I see they have been released.
Ads – Does it make kissing yourself a trial?
L – Are you Wouters? If so, fuck off. If not, thank you for this intelligence.
*goes to Hungry Jacks*
[Dark whopper anyone?]

You are so racist!
No L is Luke not fricken Wouters.
Why not just call yourself fricken Luke, then?
I thought L would be clear enough.
No, not at all. You’re not the only person in the world whose name starts with L. You’re not even the only person I know who reads my blog whose name starts with L.
Just for you then I’ll use my name.
The Dark Knight has a commercial for the Dark Whopper before the main feature.
See? My name starts with L too. *confusinggggggggg*
Down with anonymous blog posts!
Indeed anonymous blog posts are for wusses
*bites tongue*