I went to the Meredith Festival on the weekend.
It was awse, and then some.
(From their Frequently Given Answers:
No, it is not possible to sneak in. Vicious dogs and armed mercenaries patrol the fences.
NB This is a total lie.)
(To be continued.)
Menthol rollies and Bundy and coke in a beer can. You, sir, are all class 😛
(Ps- I hope there were awkward fumblings inside a dark tent, to boot!)
What can I say? I’m going through my sixth adolescence.
It’s all Wouters’s fault. All His Fault.
I’ll always be grateful to him for introducing me to menthols, though. (You’ve surely heard my menthol speech before..)
(Ps- I hope there were awkward fumblings inside a dark tent, to boot!)
No doubt. Conveniently, my memories of Saturday night are.. well, ‘hazy’ is not really the word.
Orwellian whitewash. Heh.