Actually, Y’Know, We All Have Voices In Our Heads; Some People’s Are Just Much More Interesting Than Yours

Frikken’ amateurs. No, really. Check this out.


How many untreated episoding psychotics do you know who could complete a Master’s degree, incidentally? Kudos.

(And since we’re on the subject, how many ‘treated’ ones do you know who could do this? I’ll tell you: none. Go off your meds, kids, etc.)


Filed under Discombobulation, Evil, The End Is Nigh, Whack

6 Responses to Actually, Y’Know, We All Have Voices In Our Heads; Some People’s Are Just Much More Interesting Than Yours

  1. Dude, I stopped taking my meds and I crashed my car and hit a kid…
    …You owe me like, bail money.

  2. teigan

    I suggest you stick metal skewers into your eyeballs. This will cause blindness, deformity and excruciating pain – and give you the luxury of worrying less about trivial things like dangerous driving charges, bail money, and some kid you probably didn’t even know.
    (Please note that all advice is offered subject to the disclaimer that Trysting Fields editorial staff can accept no responsibility for the terrible burden of your freedom.)
    (We don’t believe in this ‘mind control’ nonsense.)

  3. Actually it’s cool man, I buried him. No sweat.
    Sorry to worry you.

  4. teigan

    Excellent solution. It’s all about the ingenuity, man.
    I’m not worried; I was listening to Are You Sleeping, it was making me well chilled out and shit. It’s good!
    I’ve heard the first one with the telephone ringing at the start before; I think you’ve posted about AYS previously. Or maybe you just told me about them.

  5. teigan

    (We don’t believe in this ‘mind control’ nonsense.)
    Mind reading, maybe. Mind control, no.
    Controlling people’s minds, what an absurd paranoid fantasy. Tinfoil hats, heh etc.
    *eyes go dead*
    Tretorn is the new Adidas. Mother is the new Red Bull. Orange is the new pink. Jerkin’!

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