Happy Couple, Park Bench, Dog

Wedding invite pics

There you go.


Filed under People, Photos

7 Responses to Happy Couple, Park Bench, Dog

  1. Ah-ha! I thought it looked like a park bench. I’m glad it wasn’t all in my head – that makes me only partly mad.
    Thanks for that!

  2. We’re all mad here. You must be mad or else you wouldn’t have come..

  3. You know AG, that is really uncanny, for the very last thing I did prior to reading this comment of yours was make myself a nice cup of that very beverage.

  4. PS What is the difference between a raven and a writing desk?

  5. I always have a copy of Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass on my desk…

  6. “What is the difference between a raven and a writing desk?”
    One’s black and got feathers and caws a lot. The other one is a raven.
    Trick question, right?

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