This Is One Of Those Ones That Just Doesn’t Want A Title

A couple of weeks ago – and not at all by design – I bumped into an old acquaintance from Canberra, P, at one of the supermarkets on Acland Street (I forget which one; I have been known to patronize both although these days I tend to favour the IGA on Fitzroy Street – prospective stalkers take note). He used to play the saxophone in a band, and sometimes pretends to have Tourette’s Syndrome. He is going through some heavy shit right now. I like him a lot.

Postcard for Chesh

We had a beer on Wednesday at the Espy. Whilst I was waiting for him I chatted to my friend Gethsemane. She was a bit drunk and asked me to transcribe a postcard for her – to Operative Tenex of all people. Seems they’re quite close – or were. I hadn’t even realised. It’s a small world.


Filed under Life, People, Photos

5 Responses to This Is One Of Those Ones That Just Doesn’t Want A Title

  1. …I’m sure we’ve never met.

  2. She will be heartbroken by that remark.

  3. Oh…*that* Gethsemane!!
    Gosh, how long has it been…

  4. Gethsemane Nash


  5. Sorry Geth, i think it was because I was used to calling you Sally… remember?
    Call me, we’ll have a fun!
    In fact, i might sort out some one way plane tickets for you.
    Isn’t it weird how you found Teigan?

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