Category Archives: Benevolence
Long Overdue Handmade Thing For Gerard Swindle
Filed under Art, Benevolence, Handmade Things, People, Photos, Victory
Weekend In Newstead
Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd June.
FB Photo album / photo & movie archive (700 MB).
Video: Talking to Nathan on Friday evening. Video: Breakfast on Saturday morning.
Video: Sara attempting to make fire. Video: Puppies fighting.
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best, Bonfires, Cosiness, Dreams, Drugs, Drunkenness, Mysteries, Night Time, People, Photos, Sod Turning, Travel, YouTube
32nd Birthday Of Pat Cross
Filed under Awesomeness, Benevolence, Chaos, Delirium, Drunkenness, People, Sketchiness, Video, YouTube
Occupy McFarland St Treehouse (Part III) / Sarah’s 30th Birthday
Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd April.
Appropriately epic and amazing. As per the Occuparty, I got almost no media – but there’s notes. And this intoxicated FB post made on the Saturday night, about halfway through the 48-hour proceedings:
Pictionary game referred to above:
Soup, late on Sunday afternoon:
I arrived home extremely comedowny and worse for wear on the Sunday eve to find Sara K, Scott, Indi & Warren unexpectedly still at my house, where they’d spent all weekend in my absence. Which was perfect.
π π π
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best, Cosiness, Drunkenness, Life Is Good, Love, People, Photos
Occupy Friday #16
Video shot by Chloe of in-hindsight-kind-of-hilarious Kenji arrest drama at Fed Square in the evening, where a small group had gone to disrupt a Kony 2012 rally (I unfortunately missed this, having taken off earlier for Studdsy’s 30th birthday party):
Filed under Art, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Benevolence, Genius, Occupy, Occupy Friday, People, Photos, YouTube
Occupy McFarland St Treehouse (Part II)
Filed under :), Awesome Trees, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Cosiness, Dreams, Drunkenness, History, People, Photos
Occupy Friday #7
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best, Boogie Fever, Chalk, Liable For Nothing, Occupy, Occupy Friday, People, Photos, Victory, Video, w0ot, YouTube
Stuff I Did This Year
In a nutshell: systematically climbed the fuck out of hell. Again. (See previously: 2005; 2007; 2009.)
And it’s good! Can’t complain.
“Friends – you know who you are; you know we’re grateful.” – Blur, 1993. (Seriously. If ever a year was about Who Your Real Friends Are, it was 2011.)
Similarly, those who have fucked me up and fucked me over this year most likely know who they are also, and possibly how I feel about this (hint: angry, bewildered and sad) – with the possible exception of the Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle (note contact details), who I strongly suspect does not have any idea who I am.
(I also doubt he reads this blog. But since it just can’t be said often enough I might as well take this opportunity to (re)state, for the record: Robert Doyle, you’re a fucking cunt. You really are.)
The bulk of this year’s SIDTY post I rendered in audio format at the coast a few nights ago. It goes into a bit more detail (although, to be honest, not all that much). Enjoy:
Vale 2011. Viva 2012.
Happy new year!
Filed under :), Adversity, Audio, Awesomeness, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Benevolence, Cunts, Discombobulation, Dreams, Drugs, Exhaustion, Here Is The News, History, Illusion Of Time, Life Is Good, Night Time, Occupy, People, Perseverence, Philosophica, Photos, Self Analysis, Swings & Roundabouts, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot, Weblogs