Haha, oh man… there’s nothing funnier than a nervous dog.
Also, Bentendo has the same shoes as me. I was going to mention it a while back but I decided not to because it’s really boring. But they pop up again in this picture. Old School Vans, lovely.
>Ma visage est comme une chocolat dans… le soliel? La soliel?
Had to put this part through the babel fish. It came out as:
“Is my face like a chocolate in… the soliel? The soliel?”
Then I reversed the ‘ie’ and ‘soleil’ was revealed to mean ‘sun’.
Is your face is like a chocolate in the sun?
No, didn’t know you were gonna say that..
And I have no answer!
>Mon Francaise, c’est tres mal.
This part I can handle.
It says: “My French, it’s really shit.”
Maybe so. But, you know, it could be worse. And I am the living proof
>the first photo is the best thing ever. It’s all about the stance.
Whose, Sammy’s or mine? Both in combination perhaps..
>Also, Bentendo has the same shoes as me. I was going to
>mention it a while back but I decided not to because it’s really
>boring. But they pop up again in this picture.
When minutae recurs like that, you just know it’s gotta be important..
Minutae, minutae.
I like minutae.
*time passes*
Chocolate in the sun?
*Chocolate* in the *sun*??
Face.. chocolate.. sun..
*lighbulb, finally*
D’oh etc
Yes, I did know you were gonna say that.
But, y’know, 100% for originality of phrasage..
It’s all about the melting off with the cuteness…
And Sammy’s bracing stance and surly/mildly put-out look in the first picture is the one that truly pwns.
Ha, oh my god, Sammy was in my dream!
He was behind a wall and I was sitting on it with my friend. I said to them “Yeah, that’s Sammy.”
I don’t remember any of the surrounding circumstances.
You probably know what I’m going to say.
Ma visage est comme une chocolat dans… le soliel? La soliel?
Mon Francaise, c’est tres mal.
ps – the first photo is the best thing ever. It’s all about the stance.
Haha, oh man… there’s nothing funnier than a nervous dog.
Also, Bentendo has the same shoes as me. I was going to mention it a while back but I decided not to because it’s really boring. But they pop up again in this picture. Old School Vans, lovely.
>Ma visage est comme une chocolat dans… le soliel? La soliel?
Had to put this part through the babel fish. It came out as:
“Is my face like a chocolate in… the soliel? The soliel?”
Then I reversed the ‘ie’ and ‘soleil’ was revealed to mean ‘sun’.
Is your face is like a chocolate in the sun?
No, didn’t know you were gonna say that..
And I have no answer!
>Mon Francaise, c’est tres mal.
This part I can handle.
It says: “My French, it’s really shit.”
Maybe so. But, you know, it could be worse. And I am the living proof
>the first photo is the best thing ever. It’s all about the stance.
Whose, Sammy’s or mine? Both in combination perhaps..
>Also, Bentendo has the same shoes as me. I was going to
>mention it a while back but I decided not to because it’s really
>boring. But they pop up again in this picture.
When minutae recurs like that, you just know it’s gotta be important..
Minutae, minutae.
I like minutae.
*time passes*
Chocolate in the sun?
*Chocolate* in the *sun*??
Face.. chocolate.. sun..
*lighbulb, finally*
D’oh etc
Yes, I did know you were gonna say that.
But, y’know, 100% for originality of phrasage..
It’s all about the melting off with the cuteness…
And Sammy’s bracing stance and surly/mildly put-out look in the first picture is the one that truly pwns.
Ha, oh my god, Sammy was in my dream!
He was behind a wall and I was sitting on it with my friend. I said to them “Yeah, that’s Sammy.”
I don’t remember any of the surrounding circumstances.