Monthly Archives: October 2005

Audio Message From Steve Cronin

Hosting by Steve Cronin. (Thanks Steve!)

About two weeks old now. I never did find out why he got assed. He was a good operative; Charles loved him, which is rare. It’s mysterious.


Filed under Audio, Neurocam, People, Weblogs

The Neuroboard Is Down

For some unknown reason. And the NCI disclaimer has changed in response to certain rumours.

UPDATE – Neuroboard proprietor Simon Moon’s statement is acknowledged.


Filed under Neurocam

Desci Almost Called Me

But she was too shy. To call me. Despite being drunk.

Number of hits this appears to have generated in the last 37 hours: 53.

I was so touched I sent her an audio message.

1 Comment

Filed under People, Weblogs

Sammy Had An Abscess Drained

On one of his front legs. The nurse at the veterinary hospital took quite a shine to him apparently.

Photo courtesy of my sister, with whom he lives:

Sam with cast

He has been going a bit mental lately. But he is okay.


Filed under Photos