Category Archives: w0ot
Second Day Of Spring
Filed under :), Are You Hungry, Awesomeness, Bitches, Games, Life Is Good, Muntedness, Music, People, Perseverence, Photos, Victory, w0ot
Relax, Everything’s Going To Be Fine
Li has started blogging again.
Stuff I Did This Year
My 2010 started on a high. Life was good and all the stars were aligned, etc. Unfortunately the wheels started to come off in the second quarter and the second half was an increasingly shitful and regressive abortion.
So it goes. We’ll do this as many times as we have to.
Amongst other things (hosting some fairly awesome dinner parties, etc) I:
- Went to Thailand;
- Started studying art in fulfilment of longterm ambitions (alongside baby sis);
- Went part time halfway through first semester (see also baby sis);
- Reconciled with a former close associate after a long estrangement, which made me very happy;
- Got very suddenly & unexpectedly shitcanned by a then-close associate three weeks later, with the inverse effect;
- Deferred school and everything else and moped around reclusively for months doing increasingly little except thinking about everything, with increasingly hilarious consequences;
- Turned
3424 2.0; - Slapped myself around some for having fucked up so badly, thereby fucking things up more;
- Got a job and started to apply the breaks.
I’m not going to thank specific people Oscar-stylez like I have the last two years.
People who’ve been awesome: thanks. People in general: also that other thing. Seriously.
Life is improving. I think we’ll be doing just fine if we relax a little.
Happy new year.
Proper CH Party
Friday 11th June.
The first oldschool stylez party we’ve had here since my birthday in September. Blame The DPP.
Went off.
Footage of my broken VCR/DVD player being ritually destroyed on the stroke of midnight: part 1 (42 meg); part 2, starring MYF (671 kb); part 3 (36 meg).
(My original plan was to throw it off the roof before destroying it. But unfortunately the ladder which would have facilitated this turned out to be at Toots’s house. So it goes; that piece of shit still got completely annihilated. Result! etc)
Filed under Awesomeness, Chaos, Destruction, Here Is The News, Muntedness, Night Time, People, Photos, Video, w0ot
Polyphonic Spree @ The Forum
Saturday 27th February.
With G and these people.
Thailand (One)
The DP I Audio Is Finally Up
All of V*cw*e’s parts have been edited out – which is a shame IMHO, coz they’re golden. But so it goes.
(She got kind of shitty at me about the whole thing, which was a bit upsetting. This is the first time anyone’s ever gotten pissy at me over blog audio. There’s an interesting post in all of this. But methinks it’s a story for another time.)
In happier news: I found out on Tuesday that, against all expectations, I got into art school.
Wo0t!1! etc
Stuff I Did This Year
This year was all about recovery. It started out in the absolute pits of hell, slowly got better, and – a few ickle problems here and there aside, but whatcha gonna do – ended all up in unmitigated gnarley.
As per last year I feel more like talking about people than doings or accomplishments. Specifically, and without wanting to get too gushy, all the people who’ve helped me in all their various ways to remember what the whole circus is about. Really forgot for a while there. Fucken’ sucked.
So couldn’t have done it without yiz.
Thanks. Seriously.
- Mum, Dad & Jess.
- Ben.
- Despite – and partly because of – some serious difficulties, Liv (and co).
- Henley.
- On an obscure tip: Martha, Dolly, Magnus, Tim, my secret admirer, and the other Barn*by Ev*ns on Facebook.
- Li.
- Nada A.
- Nada Z (nb not technically a person, but we’ll let it slide).
- Em & co.
- Kav. Georgie. Twyllan. Kinkel. Vicwie. Sims. Brendan. Zanella. The Major. Freedman. 2003 & co. And all the countless other people at/from my thankfully now-former work who are fucking awesome. But most especially them.
- Relatedly: motorscooting Keith! Party and associates – most especially Bourkie, and Carol. We don’t really know Trajstman yet – but you may rest assured we intend to.
- Cel.
- Freakley.
- Mr Ad*m F*rd (not the poet), and Mr D. Allan.
- Grimsey.
- Gab, obvs, and associates not previously mentioned, especially Pets & Dech (+ Scott, Ewan, Chirsp etc etc etc).
- And last, but the exact opposite of least: Ms M. F. “prog081” Evans and associates, esp. Kat, Hayley, Fran & co, Ange & Chloe.
The admittedly sometimes finite limitations of my resources notwithstanding, these people can – at any time, and to whatever extent they may deem necessary and/or desirable – stand the fuck under my umbrella.
I’d also like to extend a really colossal, biblical-epic-stylez “fuck you” to one or two other individuals whose selfish, infantile cuntishness and astonishing lack of Vision ™, conversely, reeeallly hasn’t helped. Anyone. But I won’t. It won’t help. We can only have faith that in time they will grow the hearts, brains, spines and souls they surprisingly appear to lack.
Having A Soul: It’s Good.
Happy new year.
Bar Open With Toots
20th December.
She initiated this audio. That never happens. Crazy festive timez FTW!
SRC Xmas Party
17th December.
Vale SRC. I’m gonna miss you hugely in some ways; in other ways not so much. I’ll certainly miss your Xmas parties. Or maybe I’ll just crash them.
The following was captured at Harrie & Atkins’ house, at some point quite far into the 17-odd hours’ worth of extended shenanigans.
Messy night; messy audio. But I like it.
Dinner Party II
4th December.
Needless to say, went OFF.
Some awesome audio was captured. Unfortunately I forgot to save it, because I’m an idiot. But here is the obligatory formula picture of everyone in the back garden:
Filed under Art, Awesomeness, Failure, killing the backlog, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP, the walls are mushy, Victory, w0ot
Things To Be Thankful For (Five)
Bitches who know how to treat their slaves right.
One such ultrastar of an individual graced Chez Hagakure’s now-vacant second bedroom last weekend whilst on an all-too-brief-and-rare visit to Teh Melbourne.
It was, as always, a total & unmitigated pleasure to accommodate her.
Filed under Art, Audio, Awesomeness, Benevolence, Bitches, Damage Control, Genius, Nothing, Photos, Tea, Things To Be Thankful For, w0ot
Things To Be Thankful For (Four)
Both of these things have been mentioned before. But I’m going to mention them again. Why the hell not.
OMFG etc.
I have been waiting for this device since my teens. And now I have it. I’m posting from it now, natch.
It’s not without its imperfections (shit camera; no Bluetooth; and, most heinously, the basic text editing function has no cut and paste, WTF; etc) but it seems churlish to complain about them.
I’m still adapting to it, but it’s already changing my life significantly for the more flexible and generally better.
(Going to Canberra next weekend & really, seriously need to be emailable at any time – with full access to your archives, FTP and the web – throughout the entire period? Hey, leave your cumbersome, valuable computer at home! Wander wither you will! Life is good.)
It’s almost everything it should be, and it makes me incredibly happy.
The arrival of Spring.
Feckin’ YAY!!
Filed under Awesomeness, Dreams, Here Is The News, iPhone, Newness, Things To Be Thankful For, w0ot, Web/Tech
Presents I Got Given
As requested. (Previously.)
- A tin of bacon & egg-themed bandaids in assorted shapes & sizes
- Some plastic flies
- A copy of Mr Nonsense
- A spliff
- A packet of Starburst Babies
- A box of hot cinnamon gum bearing the legend “OH GOD I AM SO TOTALLY WASTED” (the preceding six items all from Patrick. Frikken legend; I only gave him a – y’know, nicely wrapped – lemon from my lemon tree and made him a card for his birthday.)
- A packet of Marlboro Menthols
- A bottle of cabernet merlot
- Two sticks of Kinder chocolate
- A tin of wasabi peas (mmm, wasabi peas)
- A glass bubble with bubbles in it costing $8.75 (heh, bubbles)
- A pair of new shoes (which I desperately needed)
- The perfect bedside lamp (beautifully inscribed)
- A blindfolded trip to the Werribee Open Range Zoo – and a lovely picnic and a lovely dinner gathering – with assorted awesome peeps, from a chick who likes animals
- An M2M CD of mysterious provenance
- A photo of a train passing through rural surrounds at night that only one other person apart from the person who sent it to me has seen
- A four-and-a-half minute voicemail that I will keep for ever and ever
- 60% of an iPhone paid off over two years (which I haven’t actually picked up yet, because I don’t want it to be cursed by association with the world of shit that was the apocalyptic writeoff week I’ve just had)
- Several very nice cards
- A bottle of black nailpolish
- Another bottle of black nailpolish
These last two items are particularly timely & appreciated.
Filed under Awesomeness, Benevolence, Discombobulation, Food and Drink, People, Sadness, Swings & Roundabouts, w0ot, Whack
It’s certainly been a memorable one. I liked it much better than last year’s.
Prize for the best party guest overall goes to Patrick. Prize for the most liable for nothing party guest is a three-way tie between Shane, The Sorcha, and, of course, Coburg.
Prize for the best party guest who wasn’t there physically but came in essence goes to Wads. Prize for the most missed party absentee is a tie between Em and this chick. Prize for the best party guest who did attend physically, but who I unfortunately never actually got around to talking to is a three-way tie between Li, Kav, and The Major. Prize for the best (if maybe in hindsight somewhat regrettable) picture of a My Little Cthulhu Bunny goes to Magnus.
Prize for the most devastating headfuckery goes to my housemate & ex-fiancee. Prize for the most comically hypocritical abusive emails goes to Henley. Prize for the most awesome drunken deep & meaningful alleyway convo goes to Liv. I’m not sure what exactly to award the artist formerly known as Semi, but I suspect he deserves a prize of some kind – or that if he doesn’t now, he may well before too long.
Prize for the most broken nose goes to Luke. Prize for the most blood cheerfully & unsolicitedly cleaned up as a result of a broken nose goes to Harrie. Prize for the driest one-liners (always) and best wildlife photography goes to Ramm. Prize for the best shisha lesson goes to Nichk. Prize for the heterosexual male with the most sophisticated understanding of little girls’ pop music (and also the special award for getting locked in the enclosed garden off my bedroom by a psycho chick person I’m sure is lovely once you get to know her, and then being too wasted to think of calling someone to let him out) goes to Grimsey.
Prize for the best nail-painting (and best former housemate ever) goes to Cel. Prize for the best hungover breakfast-making and tidying up goes to Kat. Prize for the oldest and most enduring friend goes to Bentendo. Prize for the best anonymous benefactor goes to whoever sent me the copy of M2M‘s second album I found in my mailbox yesterday.
Prize for the best present (y’know, apart from causing me to be born in the first place and shit) goes to my parents.
Prize for the best sister in the entire fucking world goes to this bitch.
Prize for the best mistress (and inexpressible amounts of gratitude & love) goes to Schnozzie.
Thanks, everyone.
Filed under Awesomeness, Benevolence, Chaos, Current Affairs, Discombobulation, Domestica, Drunkenness, Heh, Here Is The News, It'll All Come Good, Liable For Nothing, Life Is Good, Night Time, People, silly humans *rolls eyes* etc, Swings & Roundabouts, Use Of A Telephone For A Fictitious Purpose, w0ot, Whack, What Kind Of Fuckery Is This