Category Archives: Heh

Some Days It’s Great To Be Alive

Have a nice funeral, fuckhead.

Sure hope no one accidentally drops a cluster bomb on it, killing your entire extended family and anybody who ever gave two shits about you.

Just kidding! Actually, I hope someone does. That would be funny as hell.

(To give him his due, it’s true he certainly had quite the way with words…)

Now please excuse me, dear readers; serious drinking etc

Splendiferous weekend wishes to you all!


Filed under Current Affairs, Evil, Heh, w0ot

Recent Correspondence

From: Trysting Fields Central Communications
To: JoBean
Date: 8 November 2006 10:45:32 PM

> 😀  I have enough trouble coming up with my own posts, m’dear.
> And you want me think of topics for you as well?

You seem to be doing okay.. slow but not short of content

> How about the fact that I went into a pet shop the other day and saw
> me some kittens.

You want me to post on *my* blog about what *you’ve* been up to? Tript‘s right.

> Yay kitten season!  

Yay! I saw two cats fucking for the first time ever the other night; it was well surreal and shit

Everything is surreal at the moment; I blame the racing carnival

I was saying to LJ this morning: the streets are filled with outrageously drunk women in slutty dresses and ridiculous hats; singing, getting into fights, throwing up, falling over

At all hours of the day and night

No one bats an eye, that’s standard in Melbourne at this time of year

Freewheeling, zany-ass city that we are

I was trying to sell Melbourne to her

Do you think that will work?

> You should call  those places again if you  want  one  😀

Thanks for the tip 😛


But too busy! Too busy!

I have to catch up on Adam’s blog too, I haven’t read it for ages and ages and ages; his posts are gold but they’re too long

So much to do! So little weed. Indeed none at all; it’s becoming unacceptable

Get it sorted, “Johana”

Honestly, sometimes I wonder why we are still friends

You never send me flowers, you never have any weed when *I* need it

We may have to see about your license to practice if this whack continues

Much love,



Filed under Current Affairs, Desperation, Drugs, Heh, Life, People, Weblogs, Whack

Planning / Love




Filed under Art, Audio, Found, Heh, Photos

Scary, Scary, Don’t We Look Mean

(via The Wild Hunt.)

What Mishuki said.

Happy Halloween, everybody.


Filed under Art, Auto-Pimpage, Evil, Heh, Music, People, Video, Whack

Life Is Good

nb clever peripheral utilization may or may not reveal secret hidden messages

Have a good look at yourself.! courtesy of Souvlaki King. No charge - real decent of them

Best steak sanger in Melbourne to boot, reckons Els; good to be seeing her back again

Faux-Red Bull Coke Zero I felt strangely compelled to buy

Steve Cronin sent this to me; he's basically good, I like him

In retrospect, some obscure shoutout significance may be read into the uncharacteristic choice of variety, but sometimes a pizza is just a pizza. Everybody basically understands pizza

Life is good.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Current Affairs, Damage Control, Dreams, Drugs, Food, Genius, Heh, Illusion Of Time, Life, Life Is Good, Movies, Music, Night Time, Photos, Self Analysis, w0ot

Nurture Naturewhat mean or arrange strengths client too challenges or Jessica redo felt time undone endless management seminars is tried processes or gadgets or organize constantly frustrated none talked junior midcareer Adhd mba somehow.

Is it me, or is spam just getting weirder and weirder and weirder?

I mean seriously.. wtf?

From: “addict.” Date: 26 October 2006 8:42:53 AM
Subject: confirmed react poorly

Rory Singer Kendall Grove Haynes Observer Simple welcomes a feedback of sources Newsthe these am reproduced a without rt. Rory Singer Kendall Grove Haynes Observer Simple welcomes a feedback of sources Newsthe these am reproduced a without rt.
Nurture Naturewhat mean or arrange strengths client too challenges or Jessica redo felt time undone endless management seminars is tried processes or gadgets or organize constantly frustrated none talked junior midcareer Adhd mba somehow.
Card importance Onstar tty job engineer Powertrain person deaf interest invehicle.
Shout Skinner Tourlee a Sharpes Cupalone blogblog Fcmichael Owen diarykasey Keller diaryworld in Brazilian Talkreal in Lifejoys Sorrows Riccos mileage fabulous is Relief bloggers in Challenge Lawro.
Proclaim Region xbbethics Vows of Combat xbbfishing in Carl Safina is sea Marinelife Knowing of Universe Detail Except Pesky Unearthed Syria Hint Ancient Burial Rituals Link Aids of.
Trademark Llcprices errors Conditions Zealands source rugby cricket Stufftrade Mefind Someoneold Wednesday nz Newsworld is Blacks Nations Diaryyour Saypeoples am Homeabout Fairfax Zealand is copyright or Deans task picking.
Webcasts am Listen wantfor Centerthe sell a addins Express Easily Toys in Studio developer is painpoints diagnose css am Story Directd Careers Detroit of gm Fastlane Lutzgm Chevys Jimmie or Johnsonby Alba Colongm.
Favorby a Jonathan Glaterwith of rising tuition private or loans courting hopes am steer students waymore in Limits Samesex ap.
Home Salute of our Fair a Resources of Camps Garden Personals am Social Residental Inns Lodges Weddings or week Inside xbbsports am xbbbooks xbbthe Biologist Seareaders Herbert Obamameat Labels or Lure lay Landpbs tv.
Abundance of xbbok Sexy Designat Realm or Political or Animalsfor Latinos Familiar Faces Friendly xbbat Crossroads Sporty Suvford Wheelspin Fast Entrance Exam Rookie Trying Contain Lawyersis Baghdad xbbart Socit.

There needs to be a punchline here of some kind but I just… I don’t know what it is.


Filed under Current Affairs, Heh, Whack

We Went To The Victoria Markets On Saturday

And we bought:

A cherry-flavoured cigar!
Cherry Tatiana


Three feet of San Pedro Cactus!

3 feet of San Pedro

Aaand – thanks to an anonymous tipoff – we also acquired from this Asian grocery…
Asian grocery

.. Red Bull concentrate!

Red Bull in cabinet

For $2.80 a bottle, complete with nutritional information:

Red Bull Nutritionals



Filed under Dreams, Drugs, Food, Found, Heh, Photos

I Went To A Soccer Match Yesterday

Soccer ticket

I actually worked at Telstradome for a period last year, but I had never been to any kind of football game before in my life.

It was pretty cool. That said, it’s conceivable I only found it to be as such because I was half-tripping on mushies, something else I have never done before.

Telstradome Arena

Absolutely true story: on our way to catch the tram going out, we passed a guy who tried to hit us for change. When we said no, he looked me straight in the eye and shouted “magic mushrooms!” before going back to reaming the coin dispensers on a bank of public phones.

~ assures me I was not visibly fucked up in any way at all.


But in retrospect… awesome!

People crossing bridge


Filed under Drugs, Heh, People, Photos

Don’t Y’all Be Looking So Smug Now

Did Lady J send you this picture?

Did she then give you permission to post said picture to your blog?


Be grateful that I am so generously inclined to share.



Filed under Benevolence, Heh, left the puzzle undone, ain't that the way it is, People, Photos, Weblogs

Dear Billie,

I don’t know if you’re familiar with my Amazon wishlist. But if you are, you’ll know that I’ve lately been looking to reacquire your first album, which I originally bought – much to my girlfriend at the time’s disgust and bemusement – from the Tottenham Court Road Virgin Megastore shortly after it came out in 1998.

It was an indulgent, impulsive and kind of silly purchase.

I’d thought Because We Want To was a brilliant, stunning, classic, etc pop song. (And the way everyone just instinctively knew, well in advance of its release, that it was going to go in at number one and dethrone #$&% Three Lions ’98 was a thing of beauty.)

But, y’know, I’d listened to most of your record on listening posts, and didn’t actually even think it was really all that great.

I was basically a snobby indie kid. And besides, I didn’t like you as much as B*Witched (whose LP, conversely, was the fucking bomb – and could legitimately be said to have changed my life, in a subtle kind of way).

But there was just Something About You. The way you stared piercingly out of the sleeve from under your hair, a paragon of innocent knowingery; and the matching combination you displayed in interviews of unquestionably genuine irrepressible-15-year-old-witnessing-all-her-dreams-coming-true wonderment and an equally unfakeable worldly-wise, seen-it-all intelligence. (And your tits. I liked your tits, also.)

You were just too cool.

And, hey, there were some nice songs on there. I Dream I’m Dancing remains a staple to this day. Honey To The Bee. Couple of good songs.

Sadly, that copy was stolen along with almost all my other CDs a few years later. Somehow, inexplicably, yours felt like one of the ones I was most gutted to lose, even though I could only ever have played it all the way through maybe five or six times.

Flash forward half a decade or so to a couple months ago and I’m watching an early episode of the excellent new series of Dr Who. And I suddenly decide that I want it back. You can’t get all the tracks online anymore. I put it on my wishlist.

Late last week, finalising my previous eBay CD purchase, it occurs to me to search for it, and I find a copy – of the original UK release, with Because We Want To and Girlfriend tracked first, as it should be (although, you know, the US order works, too) – going for 99p, no bids, expiring in four hours. I grab it.

Today it arrived, extraordinarily quickly. I was really thrilled; much more so than I expected to be.

So I bring it inside, and whilst ripping it to the eMac, idly pull your Wikipedia page.

Try to imagine my surprise and delight as my eyes are scanning the opening line of the entry and relay to my brain the hitherto un(consciously)known fact that today is your birthday!

Happy 24th, Billie. Hope you’re having a great one.

Love your work.

Very best wishes,



Filed under Art, Benevolence, Heh, History, Music, People

Remember, As You Stare Into The Lettuce..

…the lettuce stares also into you.

“The Nietzschean diet has its critics. Detractors say the diet’s actual nutritional requirements are vague, that it provides no concrete plan for progression toward weight-loss targets, and that the book consists mostly of unclear and unusually harsh sets of inspirational logical lacunae.”

(via Technoccult.)

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Filed under Found, Heh, Philosophica