Category Archives: w0ot

B. C. E.


Can’t complain.

Although, y’know, in some ways it was almost too easy.



Filed under Art, Cryptography, Death, It'll All Come Good, Night Time, Nothing, Signs Of The Apocalypse, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, Victory, w0ot

Sitting Amongst The Wreckage

Watching Press Gang with Toots.

Teh life, it is good.

The housewarming afterparty was, as intended, a quiet affair. But it still went OFF. I blame this guy.

I have nothing else to declare except my ongoing, undying love for M2M. And that I have a new favourite word.

This is the first M2M video I ever saw, in 2002:

The final minute emerged randomly from under the end of something else I’d taped on purpose. I taped Video Hits all the way through for a month of Saturday mornings afterwards to catch it again. We had to do things like that in the dark days before YouTube and BitTorrent were invented.

Update – This footage is not particularly interesting content-wise, but I find Marit weirdly mesmerising in it:

I also like the bit where Marion asks Andrew G if he ate the worm.

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Filed under Bitches, Genius, Here Is The News, Life Is Good, Mentalism, Music, People, w0ot, YouTube

I Want To Marry M2M

Yes, both of them.

Housewarming went OFF, btw. But that’s hardly news.

UPDATE: What is news is that it went OFF so much it’s been determined we need another, smaller one this Saturday to contain the fallout. There will be cigars, apparently. (And a Shisha! N – of K & N fame – totally gave me a Shisha for no particular reason. LFN!)


Filed under Genius, Liable For Nothing, Music, w0ot, YouTube

C Sculpture


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Cryptography, Discombobulation, Dreams, left the puzzle undone, ain't that the way it is, Life Is Good, Muntedness, People, Photos, w0ot

Liv & Gab Done Got Blogs

Go read them. I got nothin’. Except an interminably unclearable email backlog. (Plus ca change etc.)

And, I guess, the news that after two years of global trekkage, an older, worldly-wiser Toots aka babysis is coming home today! To my home (ie Melbourne)!

Can you say “I’m fucking excited”? Coz I surely can.


Filed under Are You Hungry, Art, Benevolence, Here Is The News, Newness, People, Pimpage, Signs Of The Apocalypse, w0ot, Weblogs

Rainbow Serpent (Part 2)

You're a shit hot live artist


Beaufort signpost

Wood pyramid


Filed under Art, Audio, Benevolence, Boogie Fever, Cryptography, Discombobulation, Dreams, Drugs, Evil, Found, Genius, Here Is The News, Illusion Of Time, Liable For Nothing, Muntedness, Mysteries, Night Time, Nothing, People, Photos, Self Analysis, Signs Of The Apocalypse, some do it fast, some do it better in smaller amounts, The Liberator Who Destroyed My Property Has Realigned My Perceptions, the walls are mushy, These Hippies Are Not Messing Around, Travel, w0ot

Rainbow Serpent (Part 1)

So yes: about a month ago I accompanied my colleague and fellow Merrie Scrambler Major G to Rainbow Serpent. She’d scored a free ticket and needed a handbag company; we went halves.

It was incredibly excellent.

I captured a lot of media, and thankfully had the foresight to copy it off my phone before it died. Then my computer died. Etc blah blah.

Here at long last, etc.

Baggage at Southern Cross Station

Coffee on Saturday morning

The Major, sporting new bag

Boogie fever

To be continued.


Filed under Audio, Boogie Fever, Drunkenness, It'll All Come Good, Liable For Nothing, People, Photos, These Hippies Are Not Messing Around, w0ot

Party IV

Went off.

Party IV (inside)

Party IV (outside)

Oh, what a mess! Though. Liable for mess.

Party IV (aftermath)

Also, someone stole my weed. I’m a bit unhappy about that. But that’s what I get for leaving it unattended in the garden.

So it goes. It was all worth it. Hooray for parties.


Filed under Audio, Drugs, Drunkenness, Life Is Good, Muntedness, People, Photos, Swings & Roundabouts, w0ot

I’m Back

It was pretty fucking good. (As in “That’s a pretty fucking good milkshake.“)

Thanks to Major G, the Rainbow Serpent undercover vibe police, and most especially a man named Thad.

More will be said once I have fully regained the power of speech, and also my computer. Which I still don’t have. Still.

So don’t even care right now!


Filed under Benevolence, Boogie Fever, Discombobulation, Dreams, Here Is The News, These Hippies Are Not Messing Around, w0ot

Still Puterless!!!


Avoid these people. They will quote you four days on the repair of your eMac, then keep it for ten with no end in sight. They can’t even tell me how much it’s going to cost. At this rate I won’t be paying them anyway.

Fuck this shit. I’m going to Rainbow Serpent.

Hooray for everything (except puterlessness)!

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Filed under Current Affairs, Discombobulation, Domestica, w0ot, Whack

It’s Easy To Lose Perspective Sometimes And To Imagine That One Is A Worthless Pile Of Shit

One shouldn’t, though.

Coz one Is Really Good at What One Does.

And What One Does is totally Worth Doing.

Really is.

[long pause]

I like these moments.

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Filed under Art, Self Analysis, Victory, w0ot

Meredith (Part Two)

The woods

Shared Zone

Mysterious underwear

(Interlude: Fitsy.)

The serenity was really something


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Filed under Audio, Drugs, Drunkenness, Here Is The News, People, Photos, w0ot

Meredith (Part One)

I went to the Meredith Festival on the weekend.

It was awse, and then some.

(From their Frequently Given Answers:

No, it is not possible to sneak in. Vicious dogs and armed mercenaries patrol the fences.

NB This is a total lie.)




Wouters pours a mixture of Red Bull, Bundy & Coke into a beercan

A drunken Wouters


(To be continued.)


Filed under Audio, Drugs, Drunkenness, Here Is The News, Music, People, Photos, Signs Of The Apocalypse, w0ot

Well Pleased

I think so.

Update (Monday): You go, girl.

It almost makes me feel dirty to be enjoying this so much. It’s not as if I have any belief in Krudd & Co, or parliamentary democracy generally. I just really, really fucking hated this government. So it’s very satisfying to see them finally eating shit and dying.

I’ve been wishing for this day since long before I lost all faith in conventional politics.


Filed under Current Affairs, w0ot

I’d Like To Thank The Academy

And also:

Honourable mentions:

And last but not least, my mum. Thanks for having me, etc. I appreciate it.

And various other people.

You are all – in your assorted different ways – special to me, and I love yiz. For whatever it’s worth.

That is all.

PS Interview went well.


Filed under Art, Benevolence, Drunkenness, Here Is The News, Illusion Of Time, People, w0ot