Found in the toilets at St Jerome’s on Saturday night:
I’ve got absolutely zero interest in horseracing, but I love this time of year.
In other news, the artist formerly known as Shemyaza and more recently known as Jonathan Carfax has a new blog-based venture “dedicated to providing an uniquely Australian perspective on absinthe, and to provid[ing] fellow absintheurs with the most up-to-date and reliable information on absinthe varieties and tasting notes, as well as providing a home for Australian Libertines and lovers of bohemian culture, decadence and art, both historic and contemporary.”
It looks pretty cool.
He asked me if I’d like to be an occasional contributor. I replied:
Right now I’m extremely busy & preoccupied preparing for a VCA interview on the 21st and generally trying to metaprogram my way into the belief that I’m a Real Artist, whilst attempting as best I can to assimilate the monumental dual headfuck that:
(a) [censored]
(b) for all his sins, I really *like* the crazy, evil bastard.
And I should tell you that as a retiring semi-recluse I have at best only a nodding acquaintance with the Melbourne artistic intelligentsia and bar scene – although I wouldn’t be averse to developing a closer one for a cause as worthy as your own.
So yeah – if you have any absinthe you want me to drink / burlesque performers you want me to date / etc from next month onwards, feel very free to giz a heads up (equine or otherwise) (preferably the latter, ay).
That is the news.