nb clever peripheral utilization may or may not reveal secret hidden messages
Life is good.
Filed under Art, Benevolence, Current Affairs, Damage Control, Dreams, Drugs, Food, Genius, Heh, Illusion Of Time, Life, Life Is Good, Movies, Music, Night Time, Photos, Self Analysis, w0ot
Some great descriptions there. I enjoyed “Steve Cronin sent this to me; he’s basically good, I like him” and “Everybody basically understands pizza.”
Is basically the word of the day?
Basically, yeah..
But dude.. people have to be finding the hidden messages themselves, yo
You of all people, Adam
You of all people
I was unaware that these messages were hidden. Sorry.
And at the end of the day Teigan, this could be a shared hallucination.
>I was unaware that these messages were hidden.
Well, they’re not now, pouts
Shared hallucination, what a ridiculous notion
Forgot your medication today, mental boy etc
I dunno, shared hallucinations seems very…. probable.
I wonder about you sometimes, Nada
I really do
But… I’m The Wonder Fairy! Unless of course you’d like to wear the uniform…?
You’re The Wonder Fairy? The Wonder Fairy?
Holy crap, I had no idea
No wonder you make me wonder
> Unless of course you’d like to wear the uniform…?
Well, who wouldn’t
But you’re much too generous
I’m not worthy
You see what’s happened Teigan. You’re the only one who thinks it’s not a shared hallucination.
It’s like a beautiful dream…