Official fact. Doesn’t quite feel like it yet, but it’s unquestionably getting there.
So, Em came to visit from Sydney a few weeks ago. Hadn’t seen her in almost exactly a year. It was excellent. Here’s a picture of us her, and me in half-eaten pizza form at Bimbo:
Amongst other things, we talked blogs. She pointed out that my F$%book accounts have pretty much completely supplanted the more here-is-the-newsy kind of role my blog used to play back in the day, and told me she’d blog more if I did. Which seemed like a good deal, especially since I’m finally starting to feel kind of over F&#b!@k.
She also opined that TF should go back to being more writerly and less overwhelmingly audiocentric. Quoth TAFKALJ, concordantly: “TOO MUCH AUDIO”.
I dunno. The blog has to do what it wants!!! *stamps foot petulantly on behalf of blog* It can’t be forced, let alone by the audioantipathetic whims of sundry ex-girlfriends. Well, it probably can up to a point. But it shouldn’t be. That said, I think Em made a strong case.
Blog bloggety blog.
We’ll see what happens.
How was your winter? Mine was harsh. Although I’ve certainly had worse. And yeah – it’s over now.
Which is good.