This was also taken on the roof.
Monthly Archives: August 2007
More Tree Branches
Filed under Photos
Watching The Lunar Eclipse
on the roof with Freakley.
Filed under Art, Lunar Eclipse, People, Photos
Happy Monday
Filed under Photos
Note To Self: Please Stop Being Incredibly Fucking Stupid
Also, please stop kicking yourself in the face.
Kthnx! That is all.
Filed under Uncategorised
A Drawing Of A Lizard Riding A BMX On A Rainbow Of Skulls & Microkorgs (feat. A Starfish Seahorse)
Filed under Doodles
Picture Of Blouse Referred To In Previous Post
As requested.
I prefer to think of it as a shirt with buttons on the wrong side. I bought it in St Kilda for $7 in 2004. As you can see, it’s black corduroy and has pictures of flowers on it.
I go through phases of wearing it all the time, and phases of never wearing it coz it’s a blouse and I am a boy.
Here’s an old picture of me wearing it in November 2006 whilst preparing shots of Russian Cocaine:
It’s a nice shirt with buttons on the wrong side; I like it.
Sat Waiting For The Tram On Brunny Street This Afternoon
A man in a panda suit and sunglasses came up to me. He asked if I minded sitting next to a panda. I said “no, not at all”. He sat down.
I asked him if he’d always been a panda. “Yeah, pretty much.” He seemed kind of irritated by the question, and uninterested in further exchange. So I didn’t ask if I could take his picture, although I wanted to.
He probably gets sick of being treated like a freakshow.
It was good. Sitting next to him made me feel less self-conscious about wearing a shirt that’s technically a blouse, which I was (and still am).
Filed under Discombobulation, Life, People, Travel
The Coffee & Cigarette I Had At Atomica Yesterday Morning
Filed under Current Affairs, Photos, Self Analysis, w0ot
Okay, That Last Post Was Really Crap
I just started writing a new one about pending bathroom renovations but that was even crapper, so I threw it away.
I’m still getting back in the saddle. Y’know.
Further requests are invited.
Filed under Weblogs
Maybe Some Doodles
That I drew at work.
I like to doodle whilst I work.
I got in trouble the other day for doodling when I should have been conducting legitimate social research.
My supervisor had to remind me that I get paid $20 an hour to call random phone numbers and then talk their owners into answering ridiculous questionnaires – not to doodle.
I’d completely forgotten, so engrossed was I by my doodle.