August 15, 2005 · 6:13 pm

- Milk – Milk is delicious added to a range of hot beverages, and can also be poured very effectively over almost any breakfast cereal. It is an excellent source of calcium, so essential for building strong healthy bones and teeth with which to crush and dismember your enemies.
- Corn – Corn is not only an entertaining vegetable, it also contains a winning combination of fibre and protein!
- Evil battery-Farm Eggs – God help me, they were cheap.
- Nutritionally Indifferent White Bread – Also cheap. And novel!
- Burger-In-A-Biskits – Again with the novelty value. I’ve had these before but never when my good friend Ganj was in the haus.
- Two Environmentally-Unfriendly Plastic Bags – Which I badly needed to put rubbish in, and stuff.

mmmm, burger-in-a-biskit…..
what would you want burger in a biskit for?
Is this some fake dried meat product or what? Is this a cracker or is it a frozen product that you heat in the oven?
Burger is not a flavor you want in a cracker.
Burger needs to be flame cooked over real fire…or fried in its own grease and served on a bun…never as a cracker.
Nabisco makes this product? They are getting rid of waste products by selling crackers to the southern hemisphere…there is no such thing as hamburger flavoring…
I will stop now…
Here here. Burgers are to be sweet, Biscuits to be savoury.
No wait, the other way around!
You know what I mean.
Is that you, Chris?
To answer your questions: they’re a cracker, this is what the word ‘biscuit’ means in Australia. The appeal of burger-in-a-biskit derives from their novel and weirdly perfect similarity in taste to McDonald’s cheeseburgers. Presumably there’s some obscure chemical flavouring agent Nabisco has licensed from them.
On a quick examination, the biscuits look a bit like some sort of LAST CASH SQUID.