Category Archives: Uncategorised
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Hello, Blog
I woke up this morning with weird orange stuff on my hands. Maybe I’ve been crying tears of orange blood in my sleep. I do not know.
I tried to take a picture with my webcam, but it didn’t really work.
I’m going to get a new camera. My old one died almost exactly year ago. I miss it.
Maybe then I’ll post some pictures.
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I Don’t Really Know What I Can Add To That
I’ve accumulated a quite a lot of audio and pictures captured in the throes of various drunken nights out over the last few weeks, but I’m a bit over it.
I could do some audio with my new housemate, who moved in last weekend. He’s good. He is tolerating my currently somewhat discombobulated state with good grace, and I like him in general.
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Note To Self: Please Stop Being Incredibly Fucking Stupid
Also, please stop kicking yourself in the face.
Kthnx! That is all.
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