This was originally rendered as a video (y’know, duh), but the video component didn’t really work out. I almost canned it completely but in the end I decided the audio was worth salvaging.
This was originally rendered as a video (y’know, duh), but the video component didn’t really work out. I almost canned it completely but in the end I decided the audio was worth salvaging.
Filed under Audio, Drugs, Here Is The News
Heh — after last night’s film club screening, I don’t think I’ll ever associate the word “mother” with the word “nurturing” in quite the same way.
You are constantly amusing.
I was in a film club once but they banned me for being so amusing that nobody could concentrate on the movie.
>You are constantly amusing.
Even in my sleep? What about in your sleep?
i can vouch for the fact that you are amusing when you sleep.
except when you snore.
(yes you do!)
Your mom snores.
(Happy Valentine’s Day! etc)
I don’t know whose review to trust! Does it taste like ass or not? Should I betray Red Bull (which my friends have talked me into going on a lent sort of thing where I can’t have any Red Bull for a month or so because that’s what lent is for; it’s there to ruin lives) and try this new Mother.
It’s by Coca Cola, I like cola… but then again, they make sprite and I don’t like that.
I think I’ll have to try it out for myself. Or I could always look for more reviews and settle for a ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ at an odd number (of reviews). But no, I don’t think I can rest now; I must know. Asking you what I should do might not work since you found it to be O.K.
Your posts make me think way too much. Anyway, time to dig out the Magic Eight Ball that I don’t have. I’m sure there are millions of fake internet ones that have the same effect /magical powers.
I don’t know whose review to trust!
I think you should trust mine.
But here are some more opinions, if you are untrusting and don’t trust me. No, that’s okay. It’s okay. I’ll get over it.
But no, I don’t think I can rest now; I must know.
Sucked in! You can’t buy it in the US. Not yet anyway. I think we are being test-marketed to here. But I will send you a can if you like; I hate to see small children suffer. Really, I do.
Your posts make me think way too much.
Yeah, it’s all my fault.