Dinner Party IV

Saturday 10th April.

Starring Brendan, Duncan, Harrie, Luke, The Major, and Grimsey.

What goes on DPIV stays on DPIV etc

(11:11pm; 14min 12sec)

Like DP II, a relatively low-key occasion compared to DP I and DP III. (I don’t know why, although I have many theories.)

DPIV group

(11:56pm; 4min 35sec)

All the same: went OFF.

DPIV candle

(1:22am; 1min 22sec)



Filed under Are You Hungry, Art, Asking The Important Questions, Audio, Awesomeness, Drunkenness, Food, Muffins, Music, People, Photos, Relational Aesthetics, The DPP

4 Responses to Dinner Party IV

  1. Adam

    Is 500 Day Of Summer any good?

  2. It put me on quite the downer when I watched it due to personal associations so I’m biased but it seemed alright. It’s perfectly watchable, and not just because it has Zooey Deschanel in it. *shrugs*

  3. I hated it, Zooey totally hot though.
    Good work T

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