Happy International Liable For Nothing Day




Filed under Liable For Nothing

11 Responses to Happy International Liable For Nothing Day

  1. wortwut

    Molly Ringwald does awful things to two very nice dresses in Pretty in Pink. She musta known what day it was.

  2. teigan

    Molly Ringwald: LFN.

  3. Gab

    My God. Is Emma psychic or did you tell her we were watching Pretty In Pink?
    *trembles with fear*
    There was only 1 nice dress in PIP. The other was an abortion. And as for the final creation…

  4. teigan

    [My God. Is Emma psychic or did you tell her we were watching Pretty In Pink?]
    She is psychic, but on this occasion didn’t need to be. Look closer, toots.
    [And as for the final creation…
    Well, yes. But Molly seemed to like it, and that’s all that really matters. LFN!

  5. Gab

    Aw yeah. Sidebar ‘n’ shit.
    *looks down all embarrassed-like*

  6. Jay

    -Starts brooding devious plans-

  7. Jay

    What the hell is up with people not saying what the hell, I’ve said it in every conversation to day and it’s been awesome.
    As my name suggests, I am Jay, I live in melbourne and I enjoy music ranging from Trip-hop to slacker-jazz. Not particularly an elusive figure (to lazy) but a horrible typer and i’m sure there’s plenty of other aspects to me, anyway.
    I’m cool with leaving if this is meant to be a private blog?

  8. Jay

    PS. Should add ‘High fidelity’ to the watching list.

  9. teigan

    [As my name suggests, I am Jay]
    Hello. I thought at first you might have been a guy called Jay that I actually know. But you’re not.
    [I’m cool with leaving if this is meant to be a private blog?]
    Nah man. It’s a public blog; that’s why it’s publically accessible. And sometimes impenetrably cryptic. You are very welcome.
    [PS. Should add ‘High fidelity’ to the watching list.]
    No I shouldn’t – I haven’t watched it lately. Although now you mention it I’d quite like to.
    There’s lots of movies like that. I was having this conversation last night. Heathers! I haven’t seen Heathers in fucking years. Can’t remember any of the others now, but there were a bunch of them.

  10. Adam

    I’m worried that I am liable for something…

  11. teigan

    Liable for virtually vanishing from the internets!
    That’s okay. Just FIX IT.
    What else?

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