It’s Narcissistic And Silly, I Realise

But I cannot for the life of me figure out who left this nasty trolly comment, and it’s really bugging me. In all likelihood they’re someone I don’t even know. Making it really silly.

IP =, hence probably utilizing this ISP in this US city, probably an anime fan, probably female. That’s the best I can do.



Filed under People, Weblogs, Whack

25 Responses to It’s Narcissistic And Silly, I Realise

  1. No idea whatsoever dude. However, and I hope you won’t be too offended by this, the amusement levels are quite high.
    You’re probably right about it being someone you don’t know, hence falling into the uber-silly category. Some of the best things are really silly. I would venture to suggest that this isn’t one of them though. Let it go.

  2. teigan

    Thank you Althea. With the above comment, you have helped to confirm my strong suspicion that it was probably you via some kind of proxy.
    It was either you, a stranger, or at a stretch the infamous Ms L. V. Jones.
    In any case, I remain an admirer of your work.
    /passes out drunkenly

  3. teigan

    Or Alexis, if she’s still around.
    (I don’t really think it was Alexis. But I wouldn’t put it past her.)

  4. teigan

    Or Desci, conceivably, on very long odds.
    Except no, she would not be so nasty to me.
    I think.
    *wracks drunken brain*

  5. teigan

    Cathy Coote? No – would not have the technical nous to make it look as though she was posting from Atlanta, Georgia.
    Clare Shann? No – wouldn’t give me the satisfaction.
    Constance? No – wouldn’t spend so much time thinking about someone other than herself.
    Nada? Baby sis? Surely not. They are both too young and sweet and innocent.
    J? No, she was sitting on my lap when the advisory came in. And she likes me too much.
    Soubriquet? No, that’s Louisiana. Besides, she’s too nice. As far as I can tell.
    *gives up*
    *(nb does not really give up)*

  6. I did it whilst I was North.
    It was out of anger.
    Anger at drugs and stoner fiction.
    I’m a regular clean gene these days you see, I shout out against any self-destructive behaviour including but not exclusive to masturbation, plunder, rape and genocide.
    and that’s because all of those are actually things you do to other people, not yourself, ruling out use of the label ‘self-destructive’
    Let it go and move on, there’s a whole fucking SBS world out there craving your lack of attention. I meant nothing by it except to get that back of yours up so you could hit me with it and have a good reason for it.
    Touch your toes!
    Listen to that Althea chick, she’s alright and by that I mean I’m scared of her.
    Hey do you remember that episode of Perfect Strangers when Bronson Pinchot painted a mural and cousin Larry was admiring it until he came across the painting of him “…and who is this man with no lips?” he asked Balki. It was funny because he has very thin lips. Then there was a black and white episode when they were building a gazebo and it was like an abbott and costello silent slapstick sketch. The whole episode. That’s when Perfect Strangers jumped the shark. We stopped watching it after that, anyways, this post kinda reminded me of that except you haven’t jumped the shark yet.
    Touch the Sky!
    wow, I really feel like Titan now, hey I have to advertise something then.
    It might as well be this;
    they’ve made a film about you.
    You’re Jim Carrey and 23.

  7. teigan

    *bangs head against puter screen*

  8. teigan

    Hey, it’s Mr Deluxe-o!
    Hi there!
    *scans comment*
    Man, you’re almost as intoxicated as I am.
    At least, I really hope you are.
    I will read your comment and figure out what the fuck your problem is tomorrow.
    Happy new seventeenth!*
    * (c) D. Soybean, esq and associates

  9. shit.
    I haven’t touched a drop since Friday.
    …it’s the heat.

  10. Blow up the houses of parliament. It is probably the only solution to all of this.

  11. I take that back.
    Confessing in an honour based comment system seems like a wonderful idea. I might start confessing other peoples sins…

  12. teigan

    Tript –
    >I meant nothing by it except to get that back of yours up so
    >you could hit me with it and have a good reason for it.
    Huh? I never dun hit you in the first place! That whole congratulating-you-on-finishing-yr-novel thing wasn’t meant to be a snark, I swear. You just interpreted it that way because you are a sensitive little petal. (And that’s okay, so am I. We are Artists; it’s allowed.)
    >Listen to that Althea chick, she’s alright and by that I mean I’m
    >scared of her.
    Me too. If you get me sufficiently drunk sometime, maybe I’ll tell you my jawdropping why-I’m-afraid-of-Althea story. It’s a good un.
    >Hey do you remember that episode of Perfect Strangers [snip]
    No, I have never even heard of this show. But thank you for opining that I haven’t jumped the shark.
    I had not heard about this either, and am totally apalled. Curse you, Schumacher! Wilson has only been dead a few days and already you are pissing celluloid on his grave. How do you sleep at night, you craven whore?
    Why is Jim Carrey still alive, incidentally? What good is he to anyone?
    Life is cruel and absurd.
    Adam –
    >Blow up the houses of parliament.
    Oh, I intend to.
    >It is probably the only solution to all of this.
    All of this? It’s the solution to everything. You know I’m right.

  13. Jim Carrey is good for being Andy Kaufman.

  14. teigan

    Yeah, but they only got him in in the first place because the real Andy Kaufman was mysteriously ‘unavailable’.
    Clearly a conspiracy. It probably wasn’t even the real Jim Carrey.
    You’re so naive sometimes, Ads
    It’s adorable

  15. Wait, was it the ‘basically drugs’ one? Or have you deleted the offending comment? Out of these I can’t see a comment to get so het up about:
    [insert comment thread in question here]
    It wasn’t me, (how would I have a US IP addy?) but I think you’re overreacting a LOT a lot.

  16. teigan

    >Wait, was it the ‘basically drugs’ one?
    >It wasn’t me,
    Didn’t think so.
    >(how would I have a US IP addy?)
    By using a proxy, like Tript – who has confessed – apparently did.
    >but I think you’re overreacting a LOT a lot.
    I love it when people take me more seriously than I do.
    It was just funny blog fodder! Sheesh.

  17. teigan

    I mean, it was kinda bugging me. A bit.
    But that being-buggedness was really just an excuse for drunken comedy, primarily at my own expense.
    Hey, isn’t everything?

  18. >Listen to that Althea chick, she’s alright and by that I mean I’m
    >scared of her.
    Me too. If you get me sufficiently drunk sometime, maybe I’ll tell you my jawdropping why-I’m-afraid-of-Althea story. It’s a good un.

    Gosh you petals are fun. Admittedly, I’m on the inside looking out, but don’t think either of you have much to fear from me.

  19. teigan

    >Admittedly, I’m on the inside looking out, but don’t think either of you
    >have much to fear from me.
    For a conversation I don’t want to get into as badly as I don’t want to get into this one, I find myself quite overwhelmed by potential responses. None of them suitable for a public forum. Or, indeed, for saying at all.

  20. Yeah, well.
    Welcome to my world.

  21. teigan

    I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, but I must confess my instinctive response is to run like hell.
    See? Scary.
    Except this is actually my blog, dammnit. Get the hell outta here!
    (Ah, just kiddin’ – you’re okay.)
    (Which is to say… you’re a crazy bitch – but as my remarks above reflect, I seem to collect those. Hell if I know why, really. It just seems to happen. But they do make things more interesting. Truth be told, I’d miss at least 75% of the crazy bitches in my life.)

  22. >Hell if I know why, really.
    rarely in all my 8,497 born days have i heard a more disingenuous remark
    y’crazy bastard

  23. >By using a proxy, like Tript – who has confessed – apparently did.
    Ah, I was only kidding, I didn’t write that comment, it had a nasty sting init and I have no means of proxy use.
    Damn, after how many years blogging would you think I’d realise that some humour and some sarcasm just does not translate??
    apologies if this sends you back into the spiral of doubt and frustration regarding the anonymous comment-maker.

  24. teigan

    It took me a while, but I did eventually realise you probably weren’t really responsible for the accursed thing.
    Whoever it is (provided they weren’t just a random one-off blow-in, which – let’s face it – they probably were) must be laughing their Sorcerer Hunting Atlantan ass off right now.
    I have played right into their nasty trolly little hands.

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