I dont envy you, well maybe a bit.
the highlght of my week so far was drinking a concoction of gin, tonic and pineapple juice with Ana, i call it a welsh tickler. Ana passed out, and i had to take her to the vet to get her stomach pumped.
but really 20+ hours with only nicotine gum?
But you got a good blog post out of it and that is the only thing that matters.
Seriously Teigs, the lengths you will go to for good material. If I was wearing a hat I would tip it in your direction.
>Ana passed out, and i had to take her to the
>vet to get her stomach pumped.
I hope you didn’t take advantage of her. Nice to see you’re not getting lonely without me, anyway.
>but really 20+ hours with only nicotine gum?
Yup. 20 hours straight is maybe a slight exaggeration. It was more like 16. But the whole long haul leg was 24 hours, by my itinerary.
There was a tiny little smoker’s room box in the transfer lounge at Hong Kong airport. It was like hell’s waiting room. With CNN.
>But you got a good blog post out of it and
>that is the only thing that matters.
I disagree; my severe discomfort, exhaustion and inconvenience matters, damn it. But I got where I was going in the end. Unlike some people.
It could have been much worse. (Theoretically.)
Ain’t travel grand?
In England we take our weather very seriously. You shall not pass etc.
I dont envy you, well maybe a bit.
the highlght of my week so far was drinking a concoction of gin, tonic and pineapple juice with Ana, i call it a welsh tickler. Ana passed out, and i had to take her to the vet to get her stomach pumped.
but really 20+ hours with only nicotine gum?
But you got a good blog post out of it and that is the only thing that matters.
Seriously Teigs, the lengths you will go to for good material. If I was wearing a hat I would tip it in your direction.
>Ana passed out, and i had to take her to the
>vet to get her stomach pumped.
I hope you didn’t take advantage of her. Nice to see you’re not getting lonely without me, anyway.
>but really 20+ hours with only nicotine gum?
Yup. 20 hours straight is maybe a slight exaggeration. It was more like 16. But the whole long haul leg was 24 hours, by my itinerary.
There was a tiny little smoker’s
roombox in the transfer lounge at Hong Kong airport. It was like hell’s waiting room. With CNN.>But you got a good blog post out of it and
>that is the only thing that matters.
I disagree; my severe discomfort, exhaustion and inconvenience matters, damn it. But I got where I was going in the end. Unlike some people.
It could have been much worse. (Theoretically.)
just trying to picture the secret virgin handshake