My sister left some potplants on the front porch for a few hours whilst in the process of moving out, and they were stolen. She was most aggrieved. Coincidentally, my own potplants (the pointsettia and the torture victim) have vanished in the kerfuffle without a trace
So who are you lodging with?
You miss us now that we’ve gone, don’t you?
Nobody expects the potted plants
By pot plants, you do mean cannabis, right?
>So who are you lodging with?
This guy.
>You miss us now that we’ve gone, don’t you?
I do!
>By pot plants, you do mean cannabis, right?
No, just pot plants as in ‘plants in pots’. You’re the second American to draw that conclusion.
Which is funny, because it’s been suggested to me that the little miniature garden adjoining my bedroom would actually be ideal for cultivating illicits of some kind – but I was thinking about mushrooms.