Monthly Archives: December 2005
(re-reading last post)
Woo, we’re grumpy at the moment.
And our grammar has gone to hell.
This is the price we pay for being on a (scheduled) rampage of DESTRUCTION.
Filed under Self Analysis
You Know What I Hate?
People who behave in ways which create the impression they think you – that’s the generic ‘you’, not you personally – are an idiot, but who are too pissweak to tell you so explicitly to your face, causing unnecessary paranoia.
These people can die. Any of you reading this: you can die. Don’t come here anymore. Understood? Good.
This whole being-nice-to-people-you-don’t-like thing is just bullshit. I get so fed up with it. I have been guilty myself on occasion of course, but only when social convention dictated that I really didn’t have a choice. (Or because I wanted something out of the person. Which is allowed.)
Filed under People
Poverty Bites
(A Whinge)
My iPod is broken again. It won’t play when I press play and it keeps hanging. Worse, this time it was definitely my fault. (I dropped it last week, and then it got a bit wet on Friday.) So I’ll have to pay. Which means it probably won’t be getting fixed for a wee while.
No iPod makes Homer something something.
Meanwhile, I still need a new keyboard. And I owe the #$@& tax office $60. And look, my chronic fare evasion finally caught up with me:
$154. Ouch. That’s this wayward commuter told.
I will be too poor to acknowledge Christmas at this rate. No cards for anyone! I can’t be having with such festive frivolities.
Prospective wealthy benefactors: we should talk.
Filed under Life
is b a c k.
As is Rorschach.
Tript has another new blog.
Li has been on a posting binge of unprecedented proportions.
And the artist formerly known as Operative Hawthorne is still Neuroscooping us all.
Who said the Cam community had become a foetid cesspool?
Filed under Uncategorised
I Shall Be Sending Christmas Cards Shortly
If you think you might be eligible for one, mail me your meatworld address, and I will decide if you are good enough.
Filed under Uncategorised
These people are making a billion-to-one scale model of the solar system
Filed under Art
It’s Still Raining
It isn’t really that evident from the pic unfortunately – but I’m so fucking wet right now.
[obligatory smutty quip goes here]
I’ve been dodging downpours all day. Then I just sort of gave up.
It was good! I had a minor epiphany.
Filed under Night Time, Photos
Today Was A Strange Day
I did nothing at all today. Like, almost literally nothing at all.
I worked for four hours in the morning like I do every weekday morning. Then I came home and just sort of.. thought about things.
Actually that’s not true. I didn’t think about anything, very much. I was just kind of blank and empty. All day long. It was not at all unpleasant. It was cleansing and nice.
I answered a little bit of email. In the early evening I went for a walk. Didn’t even notice I’d decided to do so until I was halfway up Acland Street. It was a perfect first-evening-of-summer. Lots of people out. Market stalls, for some reason. I looked at them for a bit then I went down to the beach.
Sat on the pier. Looked at the water and the sky. Felt empty. Felt very depersonalized, like I wasn’t really there. Or at least, the person who was there wasn’t me. I was just observing this boy staring out to sea in the third person.
Where am I? I’m in such a funny place right now. I feel very happy about a lot of things, very sad about others. In some ways I feel really burned out and dissolute but in a totally different – and infinitely better – way than I did at this time last year. This sense of dissolution has a healthy quality. It feels substantial. If that’s not a contradiction. I feel satisfyingly exhausted and drained. And I feel.. like I’m a going concern, y’know? Not just an empty shell.
This year has been like running a marathon. It was always going to be. I’m pleased I made it to the end. It was touch and go there for a while. And I’m pleased with where I’ve ended up. Although it isn’t where I expected. Wherever that was.
I’ve learned things this year which have changed all of the rules. So it’s hard to make comparisons with the past. And that’s frustrating me.
I can’t write for shit right now, either, and that’s frustrating me even more. Too many late nights and early starts. Too much indulgence. Too much everything. Too much, too much, too much.
I wish I could describe how it is.
Doing so would involve going to a number of places I can’t go in this context, for various reasons.
But more fundamentally, all of the useable metaphors I can think of (so many of them) contradict each other and none of them really cut it.
Must.. express… self..
Something’s going on here. I feel like I’m pregnant. Not sure what with exactly. It might be something amazing. It might be something horrendous. It might be amazingly horrendous. It might be beautiful. It might be nothing. I don’t know. We’ll find out soon enough. Once I’ve finished destroying everything.
I’m going to read this tomorrow and want to take it down, but I won’t.
Filed under Life