Filed under Commonground, Photos, Serenity
Sara Making Assange Banner At Commonground
Filed under Commonground, Enemies Of The State, People, Photos
Filed under Commonground, Cosiness, Exhaustion, Night Time, Photos
Greetings From Tallarook
So I didn’t get the backlog killed before I left. Not even close. But hey, I’ve made ground! (*eyeroll*)
And now I’m out here, I realise the whole thing probably doesn’t matter as much as I thought it did. There are, I guess, conceivably worse things than confronting the mythical apocalypse with a chaotic media archive and a delinquent blog.
CG Fest was good, although I spent most of it sloughing off accumulated stress and sleep deprivation.
Maybe it’s just the delirium, but I’m quite unreasonably thrilled by the fact that my home for the next week and a half is this hut, whose previous occupant over the weekend was none other than Ella Hooper:
Filed under Awesome Trees, Benevolence, Commonground, Cosiness, Delirium, Dreams, Exhaustion, Here Is The News, People, Photos, Travel, Truck Timez, Weblogs, Whack
Nang Party At CH The Night Before Leaving For Commonground
It was all Hugh’s idea. (I didn’t actually do any, believe it or not. But many were done.)
Filed under :), Benevolence, Chaos, Commonground, Domestica, Drugs, Friends Of The Zoo, Nangs, People, Photos, Potatoes
Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In IV
Monday, 26th November.
Best. (Previously, previouser, previest.)
FB photo album. Compilation of my videos (and one of Moo’s):
Filed under Best, Desperation, Enemies Of The State, Occupy, Perseverence, Victory, Video, WACA, Whack, YouTube
I Cannot Deny That This Whole Mayan Apocalypse Thing Is Really Messing With Me
I mean, I never seriously believed that the world would end on December 21st 2012 or anything.
But I now realise that, just quietly, for the last ten-odd years I have been pretty much operating on the basis that the world will end on December 21st 2012. Ain’t nothing after that.
I guess we’ll see what happens.
Filed under Discombobulation, Illusion Of Time, The End Is Nigh
(Commonground, if you were wondering, is this place.
I’m thinking about moving there.
They’re having a festival next weekend. You should totally come.)
Filed under Commonground, F***book, Here Is The News, Weblogs
Pyro’s Doof Under Hoddle Bridge
Filed under Autonomous Action, Dancing, Delirium, Night Time, People, Photos
Scones From Dan Cross
Did I mention that Dan became the new co-resident of Chez Hagakure about a month ago? Well, he did. It’s good 🙂
(The commencement of CH Cohabitative Arrangement VII was celebrated with an official housewarming on Saturday October 27th. But for whatever reason – partly because I was still recovering mentally from this – no notable media was captured of that event. Ergo no specific blogpost.)
Viva la Crossman.
(Previously, lol.)
Filed under :), Art, Benevolence, Domestica, Food, Here Is The News, History, People, Photos, Reassurance
Blog, You’re Fucking Torturing Me
This #$% backlog is proving so. fucking. hard. to make myself clear.
Hate. #AvoidanceDeadlockHell #RidiculousSelfCreatedProblems
First Week Of November
Apart from notes, no media exists from the first week of November except – randomly enough – this photo of a balloon inscribed by Yohan at Varun’s birthday dinner thing at Yong Green Food on Brunswick St on Wednesday the 7th:
Filed under killing the backlog, Life, People, Photos
Wikileaks US Consulate Sit-In III
Friday, 26th October.
It’s always about upping the ante – but due to unforseen circumstances, this one wound up being an unexpectedly massive clusterfuck.
WACA press release. Herald Sun coverage.
Bedlam’s vid of the main action:
Compilation of videos I shot in the Consulate lobby (my phone ran out of space just before we got dragged out):
FB post alluding to what happened after that:
And to close with some comic relief, here’s a video of Brother Lutz getting threatened with arrest out the front of the building for being an enemy of the state dropping a cigarette butt: