Category Archives: :)
Keith! Party At The Empress
Filed under :), Adversity, Art, Awesomeness, Bittersweetness, Music, People, Perseverence, Photos
Overnight Occupy Tuesday #5
Filed under :), Bastards, Being A Cunt To Schmobos, Chalk, Occupy, OO Tuesday, People, Photos, Video, YouTube
Occupy Saturday / General Assembly #64
This one actually happened (previously), despite being relocated to Fed Square due to inclement weather. And it was good.
Filed under :), Occupy, Perseverence, Photos
Weekend In Newstead
Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd June.
FB Photo album / photo & movie archive (700 MB).
Video: Talking to Nathan on Friday evening. Video: Breakfast on Saturday morning.
Video: Sara attempting to make fire. Video: Puppies fighting.
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Benevolence, Best, Bonfires, Cosiness, Dreams, Drugs, Drunkenness, Mysteries, Night Time, People, Photos, Sod Turning, Travel, YouTube
Overnight Occupy Tuesday #2
Filed under :), Chalk, Cosiness, Flag Burning, Occupy, OO Tuesday, Photos
The Mishukis Cover The Ukulele Anthem
As rehearsed on Sara’s uke on the train home from Geelong.
Three Day Occupation
Monday 7th – Thursday 10th May.
And it was great.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Morning after night 3:
Filed under :), Are You Hungry, Autonomous Action, Chalk, Milkcrates, Occupy, People, Perseverence, Photos
Field Trip to Occupy Geelong, aka The Salon
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Discombobulation, Drunkenness, Liable For Nothing, Music, Occupy, People, Photos, Travel, Video, YouTube
Occupy Friday #18
Filed under :), Boogie Fever, Chalk, Current Affairs, Liable For Nothing, Life Is Okay, Music, Occupy, Occupy Friday, People, Perseverence, Photos, Video, YouTube
May Day
Filed under :), Awesomeness, Chalk, Chaos, Occupy, Perseverence, Photos, w0ot