
Went off.

Admittedly not to quite the full extent of last year’s – but on the upside no one wound up in hospital this time, and no string of events which will lead to me being effectively completely shut down for the best part of the coming year were set in train. Which is always good.

On the downside, my Ixus disappeared – I won’t say explicitly that Wouters stole it because, however plausible, this theory can’t be proven beyond reasonable doubt – so there are no pictures. But a lot of audio was captured, and it’s great.

This bit is my favourite. The core of it is Grimsey asking various people if they think Facebook is dead, and Henley‘s impassioned rantsponse:

I’ve produced a full transcript of the above clip, in the vague hope that this might help others to appreciate it almost as much as I do.

And this is me the morning[*] after:


[*] Morning, afternoon, whatever.


Filed under :), Audio, Awesomeness, Illusion Of Time, People

8 Responses to Birthday

  1. Liv

    Gee, thanks.

  2. teigan

    I realised listening to it last night how hypocritical that stuff is in light of the whole Wouters-at-Lane’s incident. I mean, you didn’t burn him in the face with a cigarette or anything!
    I guess I know how much you like playing the grownup (and I’ll admit it annoys me sometimes), so I enjoyed having an excuse to highlight your failure on this occasion. It was weak of me, and I’m sorry.
    Point is: we’re *all* douches sometimes. And whilst that’s not ideal, it’s okay. It’s human.

  3. Liv

    [I guess I know how much you like playing the grownup]

  4. teigan

    It’s my experience that you seem to enjoy playing the grownup – ie without necessarily fully enacting the behaviours one would reasonably expect to accompany that role.
    See above; that’s okay. I also act like a dickhead on a regular basis.
    When I can bring myself to look at your last FB msg we can continue this conversation.. if you want.

  5. After all that party antics with backpackers it was good to get drunk with mates again. Also felt good waking up knowing i didn’t take off my clothes, vomit, break anything or be a dick to anyone.
    I certainly didn’t feel well behaved. Ahh hang on no, I pancaked it getting off the night rider.

  6. Ol' Livia

    I think it’s probably best we don’t continue this conversation right now.

  7. Jay

    Happy birthday then.

  8. bad birthday- missing friend

    transcript good.

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