[(though maybe I should shut it now)]
What are you saying? That I can’t take criticism?? How DARE you. FUCK YOU. I HATE YOU. *defriends* etc
(Seriously though, you speak the truth.)
(ie Not about the inability to take criticism.)
(But of course you didn’t actually say that.)
I love it tooooooo.
(though it needs more comfiness)
(though maybe it reflects its inhabitant)
(though maybe I should shut it now)
[(though maybe I should shut it now)]
What are you saying? That I can’t take criticism?? How DARE you. FUCK YOU. I HATE YOU. *defriends* etc
(Seriously though, you speak the truth.)
(ie Not about the inability to take criticism.)
(But of course you didn’t actually say that.)
Projecting, projecting!
What fun. Popcorn and starbust babies, pls!