From The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell:
Marilyn Manson was the perfect story protagonist for a frustrated writer like myself. He was a character who, because of his contempt for the world around him and, more so, himself, does everything he can to trick people into liking him. Then once he wins their confidence, he uses it to destroy them.
For better and/or worse he remains a huge inspiration and influence.
I can’t figure out whether I haven’t listened to Eat Me, Drink Me yet because I’m afraid it’ll be crap, or because I’m afraid of what it’ll do to me. But I suspect the latter. Which means I will, and suggests that (all evidence to the contrary) he’s still got it.
He’s beautiful, fascinating, complex, disturbing, amazing, and a laff riot to boot. And I don’t care what anyone says about his paintings. I think they’re nice.
“I’m not trying to shock or scare you. I’m just a threat.”
(Link of particular note in this context: The Nachtkabarett.)