Sam, slightly bewildered indoors
Sammy the retarded keeshond will be coming to live in Melbourne soon, at my sister’s house in Fitzroy. I don’t know how he’ll cope with the change. He’s pretty fucking senile, and there’ll be a lot less space there than he’s used to. It’ll be great to be able to hang with him a bit more often, though. I think upon encountering me the other week it took him a while to remember who I was.
Sam, somewhat disoriented in the garden
Here is a 35mm picture I took of him in 2003 (so long film, nice knowing you etc) and printed at Photoaccess:
Back in the day, long before my folks inherited Sam from my Mum’s cousin in 2003, we had a much loved black kelpie labrador cross called Sally, purchased as a puppy from the RSPCA in about 1988. I came home one day in 1996 to find her lying in the sun by the study window, a favoured spot of hers, unexpectedly stone dead. She was only eight. She’s under the compost heap now.
Moment of silence for Sally. I wish I had a picture of her.